Chapter 36

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"Has she woken up yet?" Came Klaus's impatient tone from over the phone.

Damon sighed and gave him the same response he'd given the past three hours.

"No," He said, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. "She's still sleeping. Again, I'll call you when she wakes up."

Damon hung up the phone and haphazardly threw it on the floor, letting it land on the soft carpet.

"Maybe," he grumbled as he checked on Annie once more.

He was concerned for her neck, which had been bleeding profusely when they found her. He grew even more concerned when the wound didn't stop, but Klaus quickly took it upon himself to shove blood down her throat to stop the bleeding.

Damon assumed she had been injected with something to block her powers, and he didn't know how long it would last.

When they left the Hydra house, there was a small fight between Klaus and Damon about where they would take her. Klaus wanted to take her back to his mansion so he could "protect her better". Damon thought that was utter bullshit.

The vampire made his case and ended up winning with the argument of how Annie would be more comfortable waking up in her own room and her own bed. He also threw in a promise to call Klaus as soon as she woke up to sweeten the deal.

Eventually, the stubborn hybrid caved.

Annie laid under her covers in one of her long sleeve shirts and some soft gray sweatpants belonging to Damon. The vampire tried his best to clean off the blood and sweat when they returned home before dressing her the best he could with his eyes closed.

She still showed no signs of waking up, her soft, even breaths indicating she was still asleep. Damon leaned a hand down and wiped the hair from her face and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

He quietly left the room and gently closed the door, letting out a sigh as he walked to his room, finding Rose sitting on his bed. The older vampire stood and brought Damon into a hug, rubbing his back comfortingly as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"She'll be alright; she's strong," Rose whispered softly.

"I don't know what happened to her, Rose. I feel like this is my fault."

"Damon," Rose said sternly, nudging his head up and placing both hands on his cheeks. "Do not blame yourself. None of this is your fault."

"I just, maybe if I hadn't left, or I helped her get out, then this wouldn't have happened to her."

"Damon, I don't think you could have prevented this. The people after her were smart. Who's to say they wouldn't have taken her the moment you left her side?"

Damon cast his eyes downward, bringing his own hands to grasp Rose's wrists.

"The only thing you can do for her now is be there for her. You two can worry about what to do later," Rose said, placing a kiss on Damon's forehead. "I'll give you two some space."

"Where are you going?"

Rose smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck. "Rebekah invited me out for lunch."

Damon raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Why did Barbie Klaus invite you to go out for lunch? What does she want?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"For you? Of course."

"She and her girlfriend want to sneak out and avoid Klaus while doing so. He doesn't know about the two of them, and she wants to keep it that way for a little while longer."

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now