Chapter 37

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I'm sorry about the lack of updating, writer's block is really kicking my ass.

"Has she woken up yet?"

Bucky continued staring straight at the monitor, not sparing Steve a glance as he walked into the room.


"How are you holding up, Buck?"

Bucky glanced down at his sprained wrist before turning to Steve with a dejected expression, allowing the Captain to fully take in his two black eyes. Red, angry cuts across his body complemented the dark blue circles around Bucky's eyes.

Every injury he sustained was courtesy of the sleeping blonde, who he continued to watch for signs of alertness on the monitor.

"How do you think, Steve?"

The Captain sighed and ran a hand through his hair before placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder. His metal arm moved across his body as he rested his hand atop Steve's, both of them glancing away from the monitor and at each other.

Bucky was the first to break away, allowing his metal hand to fall back to his side.

"She's going to take this so hard when she wakes up. I don't even want to imagine the damage she did back in Virginia," Bucky said quietly.

"And her friends were probably unaware of what was going on with her. To them, it probably seemed like she snapped and randomly attacked them," Steve concluded, waves of sympathy rolling through him as Bucky tilted his head back.

"I know the exact feeling of her whole situation. Let me tell you, it's not good."

"What do you think happened before she came here?"

"She probably kicked Damon Salvatore's ass, that's what," came the obnoxious voice of Bucky's new nemesis.

"What are you doing here, Katherine? Shouldn't you be off flirting with Wanda?" Bucky snapped, not in the mood for Katherine's shit.

"You wish, metal man," Katherine said sweetly, trailing her index finger across Bucky's jaw and winking at Steve before moving next to the Captain.

"Seriously, go away."

"I think I deserve a thank you for saving your ass from her. She was about to fly out the window with you over her shoulder."

"Katherine, the day Bucky thanks you is the day hell freezes over," Steve remarked, not sparing the Petrova woman a glance as Bucky glowered at her.

"Is she going to wake up any time soon?"

"I don't know, Katherine," Bucky sighed, abandoning his earlier snarky tone. "I hope so, but at the same time, I hope not."

"Well, I need someone to make sure I didn't accidentally kill her when I hit her head."

"Why don't you do her a favor and do some damage control back in Virginia?"

"Sounds like you want to get rid of me, Barnes."

"Can't you tell, Pierce? Take Wanda with you."

"Aw, I didn't know you cared enough to play matchmaker for me."

"Personally, I think Wanda can do better than a bitchy, egotistical brat like you, but that's just me."

Katherine shot Bucky a glare, both of them falling into a heated glaring contest with the other. Poor Steve found himself caught in the middle.

"Personally, I also think Steve can do better than an old, senile hunk of junk like you," Katherine spat, ignoring the Captain's startled look. "I'll see you when I get back."

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