Chapter 4

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After a few months, Annie had gotten settled with living alone. At least, for the most part.

She struggled to sleep for the first few months, opting to sleep only when her body gave out and she couldn't keep her eyelids open. She had violent nightmares every time she slept and they were taking a toll on her.

She didn't tell Damon the severity of her nightmares just so he didn't worry too much. She knew he already felt bad for leaving her behind.

She had tried everything she could do. She tried candles, essential oils, and sleeping pills. However, the unlikely solution she found was stuffed animals.

She found large stuffed animals with inserts she could heat up in the microwave. It mimicked body heat and she found herself sleeping more soundly with them.

After a few days with adjustments, her best solution was some melatonin and the stuffed animals. Damon thought it would be funny to tease her about her new stuffed animal collection, but she didn't care.

She could sleep now, and that was all that mattered to her. Besides, Damon was just made no stuffed animal was named after him. Annie had a pig, a cow, a manatee, and the collection was still growing.

The two called each other often, and Annie was almost glad he left her home. She was all caught up with the Mystic Falls drama, Damon's shit and hit list, along with all the Katherine revelations.

Damon had cried on the phone with her for hours when he found out Katherine was never in the tomb nor never made any effort to be with him.

Every time the two were on the phone together, Annie asked if he needed her to head to Virginia. And every time, Damon said no.

Then he would rant about his shit list, how everyone was stupid, how Stefan was annoying, and how the local bar had no good alcohol.


Annie looked out the window of the apartment and smiled when she saw dark storm clouds rolling in. She set her mug of hot chocolate down on the counter and went into her room to change her clothes.

It was late at night and storm clouds were covering the sky, the only time she could fly without being seen. Annie made her way out of the apartment building and headed to the darker, less populous side of the city.

When she was sure no one could see her, she brought out her wings and shot up into the clouds and made her way away from the city.

It took her a few days of rest before she could fly again. Even then, she was sore. For the past few months, she had been trying to keep a routine to keep her muscles good for flying.

Annie smiled and cheered as she soared through the sky, doing loops and twists which made her smile bigger. She relished in the feeling of freedom and dove towards the ground when she was away from prying eyes and the bustle of the city.

She pulled back up into the clouds and settled into a cruise, letting her hand drag in the clouds. Little droplets of water stuck to her gloved hand when she pulled it away.

Annie paused and headed towards the ground when she came upon an abandoned warehouse. Something felt off to her and she could sense people inside.

She stealthily made her way to the warehouse, careful not to trip and alarms. She pulled out the two knives Damon had given her as a gift, which she affectionately referred to as "the twins". She kept them hidden in a sheath for protection under her jackets or shirts whenever she went out.

Annie could hear metal clanging and yelling coming from inside. She spotted a broken window above and jumped up, her fingertips clinging to the ledge. She pulled herself inside and carefully avoided the glass so she didn't get cut.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now