Chapter 10

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"Annie, Annie, wake up, I need to ask you something."

"What?" She yawned, stretching her arms over her head before rolling over in Damon's bed to face him. "Do you think it would be a good idea to host a dinner party to get Elijah's MO before we kill him?"

"Uh, I think you trying to kill him is stupid, but not the dinner party slash interrogation."

"I think it's a great idea."

"And you've already sent out the invitations, right?"

"Maybe." He said with a smirk. Annie sighed and flicked his forehead before rolling out of the bed.

"Hey can you cook?" Damon asked her as she made her way towards the door.

"No, I can't."

"Shame. Can you at least help me plan this?"

"Typical you to send out the invites before you even have a full plan together."

Damon rolled his eyes as Annie left the room.


Damon left a while ago to go do whatever he did all day.

Speaking of, Annie should probably ask him what he does do all day.

Just to make sure he's not doing anything dumber than normal.

She cleaned up the dining room, some of the bloodstained parlor, and made a list of some things they needed for dinner before sending it to Damon.

Two hours later, she heard a knock on the door and opened it to find Jenna Sommers outside with multiple grocery bags on each arm.

"Mind helping me out here?" She asked, holding an arm out to Annie, who reached for the bags.

"I take it you're here to cook?"

"Damon may have let it slip that you can't cook. He also said he values his nice kitchen. I believe his exact words were, 'she can't cook to save her life. Now go make sure my kitchen isn't destroyed Jenna.'"

"Asshole," Annie murmured under her breath along with some choice curses in Russian. "Unfortunately he's not wrong so help is always welcome." Jenna laughed and the two women moved into the kitchen to start on dinner.

The two clicked pretty well. Jenna had a good sense of humor, though it was little dark at times. She also scheduled a self defense lesson with Jeremy while they were working.

Well, Jenna was working. Annie was lounging on the counter with a glass of wine and occasionally helping Jenna out with little tasks. She did, however, make sure her new friend's glass was never empty.

Annie didn't even notice the time till Damon came into the kitchen.

"How's it coming along ladies?"

"It's going wonderfully, Jenna is an excellent cook." Annie praised, swirling her glass as she raised it to Damon, who snatched it from her hands before dumping it down the sink.

"What the hell was that for?"

"You aren't old enough yet and I thought we agreed we'd drink together for your 21st. I want to teach you." Damon smirked and winked at Annie as Jenna scoffed.

"That's pretty rich coming from an alcoholic. Why would you let him teach you how to drink Annie?" Jenna asked.

Before Damon could open his mouth to defend himself, she turned and pointed her finger at his chest. "Don't even think about it; I know what you and Alaric do at the Grill. You two are the town drunks and I'm not letting you make Annie the third member of your merry little band."

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