Chapter 26

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So disappointing. No one noticed my foreshadowing last chapter -_-

Annie's head throbbed as she opened her eyes. All the light streaming into her room through the crack between the curtains combined with the throb in her head made her close them again.

She let out a soft groan as she pulled the comforter back over her head, memories from last night slowly coming back to her. She remembered doing shots with Damon, but everything after was still fuzzy.

Annie moved her blankets and grabbed a pillow, shoving it over her head as her phone began to ring, aggravating her already sensitive head. Her hand shot out towards her bed side table and she felt around for her ringing phone.

She clicked accept, not even bothering to check the caller id. She just needed for the phone to stop making so much noise. Annie immediately regretted her decision when Klaus's amused voice flooded her ears.

"Hello love, pleasant morning?"

"Stop smirking," she hissed quietly, moving the bottom of her head out from under the pillow to speak more clearly. "I know you're doing it and it bothers me."

"Sounds like a nasty little case of a hangover you have there. I suspect you didn't follow Damon's teachings very well."

"What teachings? I showed his ass up," She whispered proudly, a mad grin spreading across her face as more things came back to her. "He lost to me in a drinking contest."

"Now that is quite disappointing on his end."

"Damn right it is," she grinned as everything fully came back to her, causing her to groan. "Fuck, my head hurts so bad."

Hopefully, whatever shit she got stuck with years ago clears this hangover fast. Otherwise, Annie was going to add being hungover to the list of grievances in her court case when she sued.

"I can only imagine. From what Rebekah told me, you certainly had loads of fun."

"What Rebekah told you? That traitor."

"I have to admit, I have not been so amused in a long time. Do inform me of the pits of Damon's pride when he remembers getting his balls broken."

"I did what?" She mumbled before a hazy memory flashed in her mind. "Oh yeah, I did stab him, but he insulted my boobs first."

"Quite the audacity," Klaus hummed into the phone, clearly amused.

"Yeah, bet I would've done the same thing to the guy who came into the bar before Stefan came and got us. That dude got real touchy, I remember now."

"Did he now," Klaus murmured angrily, his anger not dawning on Annie, who was too focused on trying to find the best way to relieve the pain in her head without getting up.

"Yeah, but then- ow fuck- stupid Stefan Salvatore showed up. Wait, how'd he know where we were? I snapped his neck before we left because he pissed me off."

"I called him and told him to go pick you up after a few hours, now I'm quite glad I did."

"Why? We were fine, I think, wait no, yeah we totally weren't."

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