Chapter 18

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"Hey Damon, I- what the fuck guys!"

Annie's hand flew to her face. She covered her poor eyes to stop any further glances at Damon's and Rose's bubble covered bodies.

She walked into Damon's bathroom and was greeted with the sight of Damon and Rose sitting together in the bath, both with empty champagne flutes in their hands. The cherry on top was that she walked in mid make out.

"Seriously guys, this is getting ridiculous. This is like the third time I've walked in on you naked!"

Definitely wasn't the third time. It was totally more than three.

"I told you to knock!" Damon defended while Rose simply smirked and leaned back in the tub. Over the past couple of months, she had gotten over her embarrassment of Annie finding the two in compromising positions.

Annie happened to find the two in a lot of said situations.

"I did knock, you said to wait one second! So I counted to one and walked in!"

"Well now that you're here, you can get us some more champagne."

"Hah, no. Your lack of champagne probably means its time to get out of the bath." Annie huffed as she walked back towards Damon's door.

"If I ever start dating someone, you two are going to get a taste of your own medicine, just you wait."

"You won't date someone unless I give the seal of approval. Whoever you date must pass the best friend test."

"You're not my dad, Damon!" Annie hollered over her shoulder.

"That's right, I'm your best friend so it matters more! You're not dating till you're 35!"

"Try and stop me, I dare you!"

'How does rose deal with him?' She thought bitterly as she stomped out of his room.


Annie was gobsmacked at Damon's nerve.

First, he lets her walk into the bathroom and find him and his girlfriend naked. She told him to give her a heads up whenever they were...indecent. But no, he still had to be a dick and let her walk in on them.

Now, he had the audacity to ask if she wanted to go to Memphis for a little friendly bonding trip. And to investigate Stefan. 

She initially agreed, but then he told her Alaric was driving, she had the front seat, and he would be in the back seat with Rose.

Annie was out after that. 

Damon wasn't all too surprised. He laughed when she scrunched up her nose and declined his offer to accompany them. He probably would've been more surprised if she decided to come with them after he told her about the seating arrangements.

Annie didn't really like long car rides anyways.

She hummed to herself as she made her way down the stairs, sliding across the polished wood floors in her fluffy socks. She had on some headphones and did little dances as she made her way to the kitchen.

The merry band of misfits had left a little while ago. Alaric seemed less than pleased that Annie was going to leave him to third wheel, but he seemed to loosen up when he realized the lovebirds wouldn't be hogging the back seat the whole ride.

Damon was forced to sit in the back while Rose sat in the front, just to keep the peace.

Annie did a little twirl before she knocked into someone. She quickly pulled off her headphones to hear a few curses and apologies come from the person in front of her. Caroline quickly regained her balance and gave Annie a smile.

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