Chapter 38

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"Ready Wanda?" Katherine asked.

"Ready to get out of here is more like it," the witch muttered as she exited Katherine's car.

"Oh come on Wanda, it'll be fun. We get to eavesdrop on the conversation between an idiot and a deadly hybrid. What's the worst that can happen?"

"I'll be dead and you'll be tortured for the rest of your immortal life."

Katherine rolled her eyes and threw an exasperated Wanda a playful smile before bringing her index finger to her lips in a "be quiet" signal.

Wanda nodded her head and grabbed hold of Katherine before the vampire silently sped them into the house.

She knew the place like the back of her hand and had the perfect eavesdropping spot in mind. She directed them to a little secret closet, which had an opening on the floor that led straight down to a downstairs closet.

A downstairs closet that happened to be in the same room as Klaus and Damon.

Katherine hoisted herself down, careful not to make any noise louder than the tense chatter in the room. She then reached up and caught Wanda by the waist, setting her down gently on the floor.

Both of them were pressed tightly against the other, shoulder to shoulder as they listened in on what Klaus and Damon were saying.

"I want to know what happened, Damon," Klaus demanded lowly, his tone almost a growl.

Katherine flinched when she heard his tone, earning a concerned glance from Wanda. The vampire gave her a reassuring smile and continued to listen in.

"And I'm telling you, Klaus, I don't know what happened with her."

"Where is she, Damon? Surely you as her best friend should be able to tell me that."

"I don't know, Klaus," Damon snapped.

Katherine and Wanda both jumped when they heard the sound of shattering glass. One of them must have broken their glass of alcohol or one of the glasses Damon had laying around.

Both of the girls bet their money on Klaus.

"Then surely you can tell me who the hell she is and what kind of scheme you two have concocted against me. Why you two conspired to gain my trust and strike me down when I expected it least?"

"There is no scheme, Klaus! I honestly don't know what happened with her."

Katherine picked up on the tone of Damon's voice and recognized it as his "I'm-totally-telling-you-the-half-truth-and-I-totally-know-more-than-I-let-on" tone.

"You're lying to me Damon," The hybrid snapped.

A second later, there was another loud crash and a groan of pain from Damon.

"I'm telling you the truth, you paranoid bastard! There is no scheme between us to gain your trust or whatever other conspiracy theories you've involved us in. Hell, I barely approved of you two going on a fucking date because I didn't think you were good enough for her."

"Then explain to me what the bloody hell was wrong with her! Tell me why I was attacked at random in my home only to be stabbed with a stake through my heart!"

"I don't know Klaus, but there was no scheme with her because she really fucking liked you!" Damon shouted. "Trust me Klaus, that girl is head over heels for you."

Poor Annie, getting completely exposed by her best friend to her crush. (A/N: lol what a loser)

Katherine sucked back a gasp and turned to stare at Wanda with wide eyes. The Petrova wanted to know when those two got together. She also wanted to know when the hell Klaus felt positive feelings for anything but power.

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