Chapter 43

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Alright, let's get one thing clear. 

I change my mind about the direction of this story daily. My outline is shitting tears in the back of my closet right now. So whenever I tell you something will happen, take it with a grain of salt.

Anyways, this chapter had me kicking my feet and shit, I can't... hope you enjoy.

Annie easily made her way into the compound before the rest of the avengers. She snuck in a window and listened as the agents scrambled to get ready, orders flying left and right.

She focused on listening for any indication of where her father would be. As soon as she began to creep towards the door, she heard someone yell at someone else to go and find the boss.


She quickly hurried towards the door and listened as the person screamed orders in Russian. The crowd of agents began to lessen and it went quiet before a loud boom was heard.

She heard the person continue screaming orders and for someone to go find the boss. Annie threw the door open when she heard the loud thudding of footsteps.

The person yelling had her back to Annie and didn't notice the winged woman sneak out of the room and follow after the person running towards her father.

She matched pace with the runner, careful not to give any indication there was another set of footsteps following him.

He turned into a room and Annie followed, watching quietly as he typed a code into a door. The large metal door opened slowly, revealing a bald figure sitting at a desk with his back to the door.

The man who opened the door began to speak in rapid German, causing her father to turn in his seat.

Annie snuck up behind and bashed her elbow into the agent's temple, hard enough to knock him out but not hard enough to kill him.

She silently stepped through the door, pulling a knife into her hand when she saw her father stand from his chair. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw an empty bottle of moonshine in his trembling hands.

"Angelika," was all he said.

The bottle of moonshine slipped from his hand and shattered as it hit the floor. Annie stared at her drunken father with an unimpressed look.

"You look like shit."

Her father didn't respond and instead, let out a cough before falling back in his chair. He was thinner than she remembered, most likely losing weight from the stress of being on death's door.

"Bastard child...failure," her father began to murmur, causing Annie to roll her eyes.

"Legacy gone... failure...bastard will continue my work...dead."

Annie raised her eyebrows at her father's incoherent rambles. He seemed to be trying and failing to piece his thoughts together. His head drooped down as his trembling hands reached for the drawers on his desk.

She'd like some of whatever he took.

Her father jumped when the sound of Annie's ringing phone blared out. She kept her eyes on him as she reached for her phone. She looked at the caller ID to see Steve's name.

"How can I help you, Steve?"

"Annie, where are you?" He yelled into the phone, shouting and gunshots sounding in the background.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now