Chapter 17

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Annie had done well hiding her exhaustion from Elijah for the past few days, but now she found herself in Elijah's backseat, unable to keep her eyes open. The seats were comfortable and she tried to keep her head from leaning on the window.

She just needed to stay awake long enough to make sure Elijah brought her back to the boarding house. She just needed to-

Elijah looked in the rear view mirror to see Annie passed out in the back seat. Her head rested on the window, using one hand as a pillow while her other rested in her lap.

Klaus turned his head in the front seat to look at her as well. A small smirk formed on his lips before he turned forward again.

"It amazes me how she was able to stay awake for nearly two days. Again."

"Did you say, again?" Elijah asked, disbelief and slight concern in his voice as he turned to look back at Annie again.

Klaus let out a chuckle. "I threatened Damon Salvatore the day of the ritual at a bar. Half way through, she comes stumbling in and orders a black coffee. She told Damon she hadn't slept for 53 hours."

"I wonder why that is."

"So do I, but it's no matter to us."

Elijah took a left and turned into the driveway of the Salvatore house. Klaus looked over at Elijah expectantly.

"Well, go on brother, she's your responsibility. You kidnapped her in the first place."

"The last time I stepped foot in that house, Alaric Saltzman stabbed me in the chest with a dagger. You said you were immortal and no one could kill you, so, by all means brother," Elijah waved his hand in the direction of the house.

Elijah had been in that house a few times after, but Klaus didn't need to know that.

"Just wake her up Elijah, she can let herself in."

"That woman has not had proper sleep in days, there is no way you are going to wake her up. If you see the Salvatore brothers inside, you can gloat."

"You are suggesting I take her inside?"

"That is what I'm suggesting, brother. Glad we are finally on the same page."

Klaus swore under his breath as he unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out of the car, slamming the door closed behind him. Elijah turned and smirked at the hybrid as he opened Annie's door.

Her head began to fall down when the door she was leaning on opened. Klaus set her body upright and unbuckled her seatbelt before picking her up bridal style. He shot Elijah one final glare before closing the door to the car.

Klaus cursed Elijah out under his breath again as he carried Annie into the house. He looked around the parlor before deciding to set her on the couch.

Before he could move, he felt the blonde stir in his arms.

"Upstairs, second door on the right," she mumbled, her words nearly unintelligible.

Klaus looked down and her sleeping form. She didn't open her eyes and her breathing was even as though she was still asleep.

He let out a small sigh as he made his way towards the stairs. Klaus knew where they were from his time in Alaric's body.

As he opened the door to Annie's room, he wondered why he hadn't seen a trace of the Salvatore brothers. He gently placed Annie on her bed before using his vampire hearing to see if anyone was near.

His ear picked up on her soft breathing and some conversation across the house. He could hear two other heart beats and Alaric's voice. One of the heartbeats sounded unusually slow.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now