Chapter 49

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I'm so sorry about how long it took me to get this chapter out. I had my computer stolen (long story) and I had a bit of writers block because... well, you'll find out why.

"Wake up, Damon. Wake up," Annie mumbled, lightly slapping Damon's face as she waited for him to come to. "Damn, Bucky really did a number on you, huh?"

She let out an annoyed huff and flopped down on Damon's bed, giving his unconscious body a glare. Her eyes wandered around his room before they landed on the door to his bathroom and a devious idea popped into her head.

She snuck into his bathroom and filled up a glass with cold water and crept back into his room, nudging him with her foot to make sure he was still unconscious. Damon let out a little groan and shifted his head, but didn't open his eyes.

Annie titled the glass and let the water splash all over his face, effectively snapping Damon back to reality.

"Annie, what the fuck did you do that for, ow!" Damon spluttered, scrambling to his feet.

"You weren't waking up. That's revenge for that one time you threw water at me."

"I didn't even hit you!"

"It was the thought that counted. Now dry off and sit down. I have something to tell you."

"I don't want to talk to you now," Damon huffed, ignoring her annoyed look as he dramatically walked towards the stairs, water dripping onto the floor from his soaked clothes.

"If you don't get back here and listen, I'll break both of your legs. Don't test me."

"I'll heal and keep walking."

"And I'll stand here and just keep breaking them," Annie retorted. She crossed her arms and let out an annoyed sigh, tapping her foot impatiently. "Damon, please. This is important."

"You should have thought about that before you threw water on me."

"Damon," she said sternly, dropping her playful tone. "I'm being serious."

"Oh I know. You just gave me the serious voice," he said, turning around and walking back towards Annie. "So what's going on? What is so important that you had to throw water on me? You have Nate now, shouldn't you be telling him this new important thing?"

"I just told him while you were taking your little nap."

"Oh, so I'm not important enough to be told first?"

"I just told him first because the offer included him too."

"What offer?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you about, dumbass!"

"Fine, fine. I'll listen."

"Thank you. Finally," Annie groaned, flopping back on the bed as Damon sat next to her, an amused smirk on his face.

"So, Fury called me last night during our little party to talk, but I was too out of it and he heard you and Sam singing 'Timber,' so he called me this morning."

"And what did he have to say?"

"He offered to get you and Sam signed with a music producer because he was so impressed with your singing abilities."

"Wait really?"

"Hah, no. He hung up on me because you two were so bad."

"Well that's rude. I'm sure we sounded amazing."

"Sure, Damon. Whatever you have to tell yourself."

"So what's this magical opportunity he's giving you?"

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