Chapter 3

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Annie woke up late in the afternoon. The warm embrace of the comforter made her feel safe and protected as she snuggled further into it.

She always had trouble sleeping, but she found it easier when she had a comfy bed and a relative sense of security. As a kid, she had the luxury of being a heavy sleeper, but that luxury had been torn from her the moment her childhood ended. Now, she felt like a kid again after waking up from a good nap.

She reluctantly slid off the bed when she noticed the dirt on the sheets. Whoops.

Annie headed towards the bathroom to take a shower, stretching her arms over her head and yawning as she walked. She made the water nice and hot and got in the shower before examining all the shampoo and conditioner bottles. She opened every bottle, smelled them, and determined which ones she wanted to use based on how good they smelled.

She looked down and watched the dirt fall off her body, mingling with the water. A small feeling of sadness came over her when the lack of dirt exposed the scars on her body. 

Some were from her childhood of roughhousing with her big brother. She had a little scar on her arm after her brother dared her to pet a random cat they found and it bit her. Another one on her shoulder was from falling off a swing. Again, her stupid brother was pushing her on the swing and as she went to jump off the swing, her pushed her in the back. This caused her to lose her balance and she landed on her stomach in the mulch. A large piece of wood became wedged in her shoulder when she landed.

She definitely had given her brother better than she got. She smiled to herself as she thought of her wild child days. Her small wave of happy nostalgia turned sour as she traced the large scar on her ribs. She remembered this scar most vividly.

The day she had gotten it was the worst day of her life. 

Annie sighed and pulled her attention away from the marking before grabbing a bottle of shampoo that smelled like rainbow sherbet, a dessert she had frequently in her childhood. Her love for the dessert was the reason she loved fruity taste of skittles so much.

Annie tried her best to get the shampoo through the vicious tangles in her hair. She tried to gently pry them apart with the water, but she didn't have much success. She grabbed a towel and she stepped out of the shower and winced when she saw the hairbrush on the counter. Annie took a deep breath before picking up the brush and flipping her head upside down.

Annie remembered when her mom used to brush her hair. She was a little kid who never wanted to sit still and always dreaded when her mom called her into the bathroom. Her mom was gentle with the brush, but she always dreaded it due to her tender head and crazy tangles.

She worked the brush from the top of her head down towards the ends, but it was caught halfway down in large tangles. She tried to yank the brush out of her hair, but that only seemed to get it more stuck. 

Annie flipped her head back up and let out a groan as she stared at her rats nest of a head. The brush was hanging from her hair on the back of her head and she couldn't get it out. 

Annie sighed and got dressed with some of the cheap clothes Damon bought and walked out into the living room to see the vampire lounging on the couch, shirtless. He turned and gave her a smirk, which turned into an amused smile when he saw her predicament.

"Bad hair day?" He asked.

"Clearly," she deadpanned, her tone dripping with exasperation. "Can you help me out here?"

"Sure, since you asked so nicely." He said, patting the spot next to him on the couch.

Annie sighed as she made her way over to him. Damon parted his legs and she sat down between them with her back again the couch. She flipped her long hair onto his lap and winced as his fingers sifted through the knots and carefully worked the brush out. Annie turned and smiled at him when he held out the brush in triumph.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now