Chapter 33

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SoI tried to edit this chapter in a timely fashion, I really did. Somehow I found myself on a spiral of watching dance mom clips, which ended in my sister having to shut my computer down because I started choking.

In summary, I am not okay and I need some sleep. Just enjoy the chapter.

Annie hummed an old song she heard playing on the radio in Damon's room as she walked up the Mikaelson's driveway.

To be honest, she had no clue why she decided to come.

Rebekah had sent her a text asking her to come over to get ready for the ball, but Annie had no idea why she said yes. 25 percent of her overall trauma and about one third of her nightmares stemmed from the balls in her past, one in particular.

She snapped her fingers as she swung her hips and shook the bottle of whiskey in her hands. Annie regretted her decision to pace herself with the potent drink, wishing she had just bit the bullet and drank the bottle whole in hopes of getting drunk.

She stumbled slightly as she made her way up the steps of the mansion before ringing the doorbell. She hoped it would be Rebekah or Elijah who opened the door so she didn't have to explain herself.

Annie was too sober for this shit. She rocked back and forth on her heels and cracked her knuckles, a habit she had when she was nervous.

It was Rebekah who opened the door, much to Annie's relief. She held up her hand, gesturing for Rebekah to give her a minute as she downed the rest of the bottle and wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

"Wonderful, it's ten in the morning and you're already bloody smashed," Rebekah huffed.

"Well that was the plan, but unfortunately not yet. Paced myself too fucking much," She said as Rebekah snatched the bottle and dragged her inside the mansion.

"Give that back," Annie whined, quickly shutting her mouth when she saw Rebekah's whole family in the living room.

"No," Rebekah said before throwing Annie down on the couch and giving the bottle to one of the compelled servants.

The Original sister sat next to her on the couch and waved over two compelled women to paint their nails.

Annie flinched when the woman grabbed her hand, sucking in a breath as the woman shook the polish bottle.

"What's the matter with you?" Rebekah asked, leaning back in her chair before turning her head to Annie.

"Nothing," she gritted out, flinching again when the woman brought the polish towards her finger nail. "Gah, wait!"

Annie blushed in embarrassment when everyone in the room, minus the compelled servants, turned to look at her. Annie yanked her hand to her chest and took a deep breath.

"I'm allergic to a chemical in nail polish."

"Well why didn't you say anything?"

Because she'd always been told to grin and bear it.

Annie shrugged her shoulders and relaxed into the soft couch after Rebekah waved the compelled woman away.

The painful sting of polish on her finger was not a one time occurrence for her and unfortunately became a familiar sensation. Every time she had gone to a ball, polish was forced on her fingers. Her finger tips would turn bright red and burn while the rash would extend down her hand.

She was always told to grin and bear it.

"Ah Rebekah, who is your pretty friend?" The voice of one of Rebekah's brothers, Kol, snapped Annie out of her thoughts. "I believe I saw her here last night."

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