Chapter 11

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Annie was absolutely traumatized when she found Katherine naked in Damon's shower.

Damon came running in and started interrogating the doppelgänger while simultaneously covering Annie's eyes and turning her around. Annie didn't protest; she had been in shock.

When she recovered, she lifted Damon's hand from her eyes and went to bed.


Annie's peaceful morning was ruined when she heard commotion from Stefan's room. She rolled out of bed and ran down the hall to see a doppelgänger leaning on the doorway and another freaking out in the room.

She figured the former was Katherine due to her relaxed stance.

"What is she doing here?" Elena demanded as she paced around Stefan's room.

"When we killed Elijah it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb." Damon answered.

"How is that possible?"

"He's an original, they have all sorts of special skills." Katherine cut in.

Annie shuddered slightly when she looked at Katherine, who sent her a smirk. She was still slightly shocked from seeing the woman naked in the shower.

"I dont want you here. Get her out of here." Elena demanded.

Annie rolled her eyes and audibly groaned. Damon scratched the back of his head while Katherine grinned.

"You need me, you all do." Katherine smirked.

"Like hell." Damon growled.

Annie rolled her eyes and left to get some breakfast. She rubbed her eyes and smacked herself in the forehead in an attempt to purge the image of Katherine naked from her head.


"Hello Annie." Katherine drawled as she sauntered into the kitchen.

Annie set down her bowl of cereal in the sink as Katherine hoisted herself into a sitting position on the counter.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to eat my food and I still have a vivid picture of you naked in my head."

"What a beautiful image that must be. Nothing Damon hasn't seen before."

Annie could've sworn she was trying to hint at something between her and Damon. As if.

"On second thought, I think I'm done with my breakfast." She said, stifling a cough with her hand as she placed her bowl in the sink.

Katherine's smirk grew wider when she noticed Annie's discomfort. She hopped off the counter and started moving towards her, causing Annie to step backwards.

"So who are you? Are you Damon's new girl toy?"

"He wishes," Annie smirked as she ran around to the other end of the counter. "I'm kidding, we're just friends."

"Really, just friends?" Katherine raised an eyebrow, pausing her pursuit.

"So why the hell are you here?" Annie asked, attempting to change the subject while mocking Katherine's movements by raising her left eyebrow.

"What make you think I'll tell you? What I'd really like to know is how you're friends with Damon. He tends not to like people."

"That's a long story. What makes you think I'll tell you?"

"You know, I just realized you have an accent. My guess is Russian. Where the hell did Damon find you?"

"What makes you think he found me? I found him, he tried to eat me, and we fell in love."

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now