Bonus Chapter 1

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So I had a new idea to add to the universe. I think something that would be cool here is a seventh infinity stone to add for all the magic and supernatural in the crossover. So I've made the executive decision to make a seventh infinity stone for magic.

And it's bright silver, like a cloudy diamond.

So yeah. Also, the timelines absolutely do not match up, but that's okay because this isn't cannon. I don't want to hear it. Anyways, enjoy the longest chapter I've ever written in my attempt to overcome a massive bout of writers block!

(PS, totally not unedited...)


"Do you have to go, love?" Klaus asked as he placed a soft kiss on Annie's neck, trying to distract her from her packing.

"You know I do, Nik. You heard the call, you know what's at stake."

"They can handle it, sweetheart. Your kids need you here. I need you here. The Avengers can take care of this, you don't need to go."

"I know they can, Klaus," Annie said firmly, wiggling out of his grasp as she zipped her suitcase. "But they also need my help. This is bigger than all of us. Thanos has already gone after Wanda, Katherine, and Vision. The next place he's going to send his goons is New Orleans."

"And why is that?"

"Because the French Quarter witches are unknowingly protecting the seventh and final stone. The magic stone. I saw the damage that went down in New York and I'm not going to let that come here and endanger our kids and this city. I've already taken it from the witches and I'm taking it to Wakanda with me. "

"That's fine. Give the stone to Steve and come back," Klaus pleaded, spinning her around to face him and his worried eyes. "Please love, I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you. I worry about you, vampire or not, every time you are called in for missions."

"I know, Klaus," she whispered, leaning her forehead against his. "I know you do. But if Thanos succeeds, half of the world will be destroyed. The risk of losing you or losing our kids is far too great. I won't sit back and wait to see what will happen."

"I know you won't. Just promise me you will come back to us. Back to me."

"Nik, I can't promise you that." Annie brought her hands up to cup Klaus's face, using her thumb to wipe away the tear that leaked from his eye. "But I will promise you that I will do everything to keep myself and our family safe."

"I want to come with you."

"No. You need to stay here with Henri and the girls. They're going to need their dad when I'm gone."

Klaus didn't say anything more, instead pulling Annie into his arms and resting his head on her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, Nik. I'll make sure of it."

"I know you will."

Annie pulled away and pulled Klaus into a kiss, kissing him passionately as though it would be their last. She felt the back of her knees press harshly against their bed as Klaus returned the kiss with equal fervor.

They slowly pulled away when they heard a knock on the door, both slightly out of breath and panting quietly as their sixteen year old son opened the door.

"Mom, I'm coming with you," Henrik declared, his face conveying the classic stubborn Mikaelson look he inherited from his father, a clear sign of him not taking no for an answer.

"Absolutely not," Klaus snapped, not even allowing Annie a chance to say yes or no.

"I wasn't asking permission, dad," Henrik retorted, matching his father's slightly toned down murderous glare.

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