Chapter 20

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"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked teasingly, earning an eye roll from Stefan.

"I'm fine," Stefan deadpanned. "Is Annie getting heavy?"

"You don't ask questions about a woman like that, Stefan. It'll be the death of you."

Rebekah would sever Klaus's head and use it to beat his body if he ever made a comment like that. Not that he ever would; his mother made sure of that a long time ago.

Stefan said nothing and looked over at the two next to him.

Annie had wormed her way into a piggyback ride, despite Klaus's protests. Her arms were around his neck and her head was resting on her arm as Klaus's hands kept her up around her thighs. She was also dead asleep.

"She's awfully tired. What did you guys do last night since one of you obviously didn't sleep? I think I heard some sheets rustling at 5 am."

"Keep it up Stefan," Klaus growled, letting the threat hang in the air.

They walked for a little longer before Klaus decided to turn the attention back in Stefan.

"You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water, or a little sit down-"

"No, I'm fine, thanks for the offer." Stefan huffed sarcastically, cutting Klaus off.

"I thought you wanted to have a little chit chat Stefan."

"Let's skip the chit chat, Klaus."

"Shame, you'll have to talk to me sooner or later Stefan. After all, we are stuck together." Klaus's smirk dropped into a frown. "You seemed perfectly content talking earlier."

"I changed my mind."

'Good,' Klaus thought. He didn't need Stefan sticking his nose in business that did not concern him.

Klaus stopped walking and whipped his head around to face Stefan after hearing the ripper let out a quiet hiss and stop walking. Stefan shook out his leg before using his right leg to itch his left.

"Damn bugs," he murmured.

"Don't be ridiculous Stefan. You're a vampire and vampires don't get bitten by bugs."

"Easy for you to say," Stefan hissed and and shook his arm. "Damnit!"

"Toughen up Stefan. It's a shame you didn't bring bug repellent."

"I...shit...didn't think I...damnit...would need...SHIT...bug repellent...fucking bugs!" Stefan gritted out, dropping Ray before smacking himself in numerous spots.

Stefan picked up the to-be hybrid once more and muttered something that sounded along the lines of "fuck my life," but Klaus wasn't paying him any attention.

Annie had shifted on his back and let out a low noise in his ear from her sleep. She tilted her head so hers was now resting against his neck. He could hear her low breaths as she slept and felt her arms grip him a little tighter.

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you my friend," Klaus teased.

"Maybe it's because I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves, we've been at it all summer." Stefan complained. "And maybe because I'm sick of getting bit by bugs!"

"Well thanks to our pal Ray we've found ourselves a pack."

Stefan took a minute to compose himself, smacking his leg with his opposite foot and aggressively scratching his neck, straining his arm to reach.

Neither of them noticed the smug smile on Annie's face.

Klaus strutted into the camp and gently set a sleeping Annie down next to a large rock while Stefan unceremoniously dumped Ray on the ground, the soon-to-be hybrid landing with a loud thump.

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