Chapter 47

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Sorry for the long wait, I've been pretty busy, but we're finally done with school (Thankfully). 

Klaus woke first.

He slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings, finding himself in the dark confines of Annie's room. The curtains were pulled tightly together, blocking any light coming in from the window and the clock on her bedside table read 8:47 in bright red numbers.

He looked over to his right side where he felt the heat of another body pressed against him.

Annie was curled up with her head on his chest and one arm was thrown lazily across his stomach. Their legs were tangled together above the sheets and both were still in their clothes from the previous night.

Her mouth was slightly parted in an 'o' shape and he could hear her soft, even breaths. Klaus gently brushed a lock of her hair away from her face, the tickling sensations causing Annie to come to.

"Is it morning?" Annie asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes and pressing herself tighter against Klaus's side. "Mmm, you're so warm."

"Good morning love."

"Hi Klaus," she whispered sleepily, her accent heavily prevalent in her early morning voice. "I have a headache and my arms are sore."

"You did have quite a bit to drink last night. Everyone did."

"Mmm, not as bad as my birthday."

"You were very out of it on your birthday. I remember calling you and being rudely hung up on."

"You jinxed it first," she defended.

"Perhaps I did."

"Mhm," she mumbled, sighing contently as Klaus's hand began to rub circles against her back. "I like your voice. Keep talking."

Klaus smirked, enjoying her unguarded, tired commentary. Her filter was entirely broken causing her to say whatever came to her mind without a second thought. The hybrid brought his other hand to her hair, massaging the roots gently.

"Damon was by far the worst," he continued, smirking when he heard Annie let out a muffled, but satisfied groan. "His stick friend made an appearance. Poor Rose."

"Mhm, they're so cute together. Damon was so high on the Asgardian shit and my blood last night. His morning is going to suck~" Annie said, drawing out the 'u' sound in suck.

"Your blood?"

"Mhm, super serum is a huge drug for vampires and turns them into the undead version of a crackhead. We found that out the hard way back in New York."


"Yeah. Damon and I were at a bar and he asked to try my blood, so I let him. Bad decision. Almost immediately, he turned into an instant crazy crackhead. He went absolutely bonkers, destroyed the bar, and pissed off this group of older vampires."

"That sounds like Damon Salvatore."

"Uh-huh, and I was the dumbass along for the ride."

"I'd expect nothing less from Damon's loyal best friend. He's very lucky to have you."

"Mhm, so I was in the passenger seat of his car while they chased us in their car. So I grabbed a gun, leaned out the window, and shot them all in the heart from the passenger seat. Now it's my reserved seat."

Klaus let out low chuckles while a lazy grin spread across Annie's lips, her chest shaking with silent laughter.

"Can you keep a secret?"

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