Chapter 34

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When Annie awoke, she noticed Damon was no were to be found. The sheets on his side of the bed were crinkled and slept in, but the spot was cold, meaning he had left a while ago.

That asshole didn't bother waking her up.

All the memories of the night before came flooding back to her, causing her to gasp and scramble out of the bed. Annie tried to run to the door, but paused when she felt sharp, burning pain in her stomach.

Her hand flew to her torso as she bent over, squeezing her eyes shut as pain rippled through her. She slipped her hand under her shirt and felt for any blood, but the wound healed over last night when Damon gave her blood.

Annie sank to her knees and leaned over, arms still stuck under her as she breathed in and out. The crippling pains made it hard for her to think clearly, but she managed to stand up and stumbled towards Damon's bathroom.

She reached out and gripped the counter as black spots danced across her vision. Annie tenderly lifted her shirt, a small gasp escaping her lips when she looked in the mirror.

Her stomach appeared to be mangled and infected, but there were no blemishes tainting her skin. Instead, all the damage lay below the surface. An ugly substance infected her stomach, illuminating the surrounding veins and turning her stomach a sickly shade of green.

The same poison Steve had been shot with months ago now resided in her stomach.

The same poison her powers were helpless to combat.

Annie took a deep breath and winced as she tried to calm her racing thoughts.

Those agents last night may not have been as new as she previously assumed. This move, their retreat, every step had been calculated and purposeful.

This was a warning to her, and it would be the last warning she would be given.

Annie fumbled under the cabinet for the painkillers Damon kept for her. She knew they were running low, but there should be a few pills left. She pulled out a near empty bottle next to Damon's hair gel and unscrewed the cap, her shoulders sagging when she saw the few pills scattered on the bottom of the bottle.

"Fuck," she whispered, pouring all the pills into her and hand tossing them into her mouth.

Annie turned the faucet and cupped her hands, drinking the water in order to help her swallow the pills. She knew they wouldn't have much of an effect, but she hoped they would allow her to stand with less difficulty.

She could feel her newly returned powers counteracting the poison in her system. Her powers couldn't break the poison down, but she hoped they would slow it down and buy her the time she needed to call in the antidote.

Steve had barely lasted 10 hours after getting poisoned, and it had already been almost 8 for Annie. She would possibly last longer than Steve due to her powers fighting against the poison, but it wouldn't be much longer.

Annie took another deep breath and winced as she made her way back to Damon's bed, grabbing her phone from the night stand before dialing Tony's number.

"What's up kid?" The billionaire answered. "How's small town Virginia treating you? Haven't heard from you in a while."

"Tony, I got hit with the same poison Steve did a few months ago. It's already been about 8 hours, and I need that antidote.

"Shit, you got shot? Fuck, damnit I'll drop off the antidote on my way to Miami. I'm leaving in a few minutes, and I'll be there soon. An hour tops."

"Please, please hurry. They've caught up to me and I'm so fucking scared," she whispered into the phone, her voice breaking as tears began welling in her eyes.

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