Chapter 35

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For the second time in 24 hours, Damon Salvatore was crying. He sat motionless on the couch, drinking away his sorrows in the comfort of his own home opposed to the grill. A half empty bottle of random alcohol rested next to him, while a small bar rested on the table behind his couch.

A feeling of deja vu washed over him as he sat on the couch. The scene felt eerily similar to the first time Annie left after the sixties dance. Damon didn't feel nearly as nervous then as he did now because the first time, he knew she'd come back.

This time was different.

Damon had complete faith in Annie once she left, but he knew Hydra was practically at her heels. He also knew the poison was a major setback for her, rendering her nearly imobile, but he hoped it wouldn't cost her too much time.

The eldest Salvatore felt completely helpless because all he could do was hope.

Damon set the glass down by his feet and rested his elbows on the top of his knees. He leaned his head down and tightly gripped his hair, trying to suppress the tears threatening to spill down his face.

Maybe if he tried to help her sooner, maybe if he protected her better, maybe if he hadn't tried to run to Mystic Falls to make Stefan's life miserable, Annie would still be here.

She'd still be here, sitting by his side and cracking jokes as they pissed off Alaric. They'd be sitting at the bar, laughing and drinking as he graded papers and rolled his eyes. Then maybe, no scratch that, he'd definitely throw in a few jokes about her and Klaus, and he knew she'd probably retaliate with a few about him and Rose.

But that was just a fantasy.

The reality was him wallowing on his ass as he pathetically tried to drink his problems away. Damon scoffed as he wiped away a tear, grabbing his glass to down his pain. Before the glass could touch his lips, he paused when a horrible thought crossed his mind.

There was another way to shut off the pain.

All he would have to do is flick the switch and all of this pain would go away.

All of his worries, his angst, his guilt, would simply disappear.

All he had to do was flip the switch.

Damon quickly shook his head and downed the rest of his glass in an attempt to purge the horrible thoughts. He couldn't do that to himself. If something happened to her and she called for him, his no humanity self wouldn't lift a finger to help her. And for fucks sakes, if she came back and saw him with no humanity?

He didn't even want to think about it.

Damon stood up from his spot on the couch, intent on getting something stronger from the mini bar behind him. As he filled up his glass, he heard the opening of the door and some loud footsteps.

"Go away," He slurred, holding his glass up and wiggling it for emphasis. "I'm busy."

"Nice to see you too, Damon."

Damon whirled around and came face to face with Katherine. The Petrova woman leaned all her weight on the couch, her arms and legs shaking as she desperately tried to hold herself upright.

"Katherine? What happened to you?" Damon asked as he took a sip of his drink, setting it down on the table when he finished.

"She," Katherine croaked, her barely functioning voice taking on a dry, scratchy tone. "I-"

Damon reacted quickly when he saw Katherine's legs give out, speeding forward to catch her before she hit the floor. He curled his arm around her waist and stood up with her in his arms, staring at her intently as she tried to catch her breath.

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