Chapter 42

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So, a couple of things.

First off, put in the comments your favorite quote from this book. I'm going to add one to the front summary and I want some input.

Second, I have major plans that include Annie + Damon + Avengers + Originals + alcohol = chaos. I'm so excited.

Third, I'm putting a MAJOR spoiler after the chapter. Read it at your own risk.

"News? What kind of news?" Annie asked, shifting the phone in her hand so it sat more comfortably against her ear.

"The little Hydra base in Virginia is back online. I just received a notification that the power is back on and my cameras have captured some footage of your father and his men coming back."

Excitement should not have been Annie's first emotion. She should've felt fear, paranoia, anxiety, anything but excitement. The excitement to finally be rid of her disappointment of a parent.

"The council has authorized his execution and I'm dispatching the Avengers. They should be there in the next hour."

Now. Now would be the appropriate time for her to be excited.

A large grin broke out across Annie's face, unaware of the curious look from Klaus, who was no doubt listening in on their conversation and staring at her back. His confusion soon turned into a smirk when she turned to him and he noticed her wicked smile.

"Excellent, I'll kill the bastard myself."

"Don't worry, I already told the team you have dibs. Now, there are a few more things I need to tell you."

"What is it?" She asked, her tone impatient as she began to pace around Klaus's art room.

"Tony is out for this mission. He has some business to take care of with Pepper, so we need you to be bird's-eye view. There's some pretty heavy artillery that just went online positioned on the roof. We can't move in from the ground until that's taken out. You and Mr. Wilson will be tag-teaming on that."

"Wait birds-eye- oh," she drawled, annunciating the 'o' sound. "If that's the case, then someone is going to need to pack me some adrenaline shots. I think they're called EpiPens, I'm not entirely sure."


"Just do it. I'll explain later."

"Alright, fine. We can handle that."

"Perfect, is there anything else?"

"We caught wind that one of your father's business partners is with him. I believe you know who I am referring to without me needing to give you the name."

Annie's excitement took a hit as soon as she processed Fury's words. Yes, she knew exactly who he was referring to.

[In case you missed it, I've mentioned this character back in chapter 33 during the ball scene when she and Klaus are talking outside. Check back if you need to refresh your memory. He doesn't deserve a name for what he did to my girl.]

"Unfortunately, the council doesn't want him dead. They requested that we bring him in for questioning, meaning they gave the order for him to be kept alive."

Annie clicked her tongue in annoyance, her free hand clenching in and out of a fist.

"Why did they give the okay to kill my dad and not his business partner?"

"Because your father would still be dead even if we brought him into custody. We caught wind of a kill order for your father for all remaining agents. Apparently, he's been branded a leak."

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