Chapter 8

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"Hey Damon, I have a question and I need you to answer me honestly." Annie told him as she lounged on Damon's freshly clean bed.


"Do you think it would permanently kill a vampire if I was to destroy their brain?"

"You know, I think this is worth testing out." Damon said as he pulled his shirt over his head. "Maybe Stefan would like to volunteer."

Annie flopped back onto the bed and cleared her throat. A moment later, she found herself flying off the bed landing face down on the floor. "What the hell!"

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to throw up on my bed."

"It was one time and I slept it off! Hey that reminds me, where is Rose? It worked, right?"

Annie almost regretted asking when she notice Damon's smirk fall. "She left. She's got a lot of unresolved stuff after running for 500 years, I mean, her buddy Trevor got his head slapped off by Elijah a little while ago."

"Damn, I want to learn to slap heads off now, it would make my life so much easier." Annie mumbled under her breath.

"She said she'll be back, but I think that's a bunch of bullshit," Damon continued, ignoring Annie. "What idiot would willingly come here with the looming threat of Klaus?"

"Uh, me? But only because you said pretty please."

"And that makes you the biggest idiot of them all." He retorted, the smirk coming back to his lips.

Annie's mouth dropped open as she scrambled to her feet. "Maybe I should test the brain melting theory on you." She huffed as she walked out of Damon's room.

She changed out of yesterday's clothes which she had fallen asleep in. Annie pulled out the leather jacket she had snagged from Damon's closet and put it on before walking back to Damon's room where she heard the Salvatore brothers going at it again.

"Whats going on Damon? Whats this I hear about John Gilbert?" Annie asked as she made her presence known. Damon turned to her and opened his mouth to fill her in, but Stefan beat him to it.

"He's Elena's biological father who is here to keep her safe." Stefan told her as he stuck out a hand for Annie to shake.

"No, he's an asshole who tried to burn us alive, or have you forgotten about that Stefan?" Damon said, but was ignored by Stefan and Annie.

"I assume you're Annie, Damon's backup plan? He talks about you a lot."

"I am, you must be the brother. I've heard a lot about you too." Annie said, shaking Stefan's hand.

"All bad things?"

"Yeah, pretty much." She said with a smile.

"Sorry to interrupt," Damon cut in, placing his hands on Annie's shoulders. "Actually, no I'm not. Goodbye Stefan, I have something to show this one." He called as he steered Annie out of the room.

Damon led her downstairs and out into the backyard, where she found a small dojo he had set up for her in the back of the yard. "Ta da!"

"Damon, this is so thoughtful, I love it!"

"I know, I'm awesome. You can have all the fun with it today because I need to go monitor the father daughter duo."

"Good luck with that, don't murder anyone."

"Don't worry, it'll be very civil."

"Threats don't count as being civil."

"And Netflix doesn't count as a date."

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