Chapter 27

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"Jenna, widen your stance," Annie corrected, pointing to Jenna's feet as she squared up against one of the punching bags.

Jenna, Annie, and Jeremy were all in the backyard of the Salvatore house for one of Annie's self defense lessons. As much as they worked, the sessions always turned into a hot gossiping session during water breaks. For being the youngest in the group, Jermey knew a lot of the ins and outs of what went on in town, which benefited Jenna's drama lust greatly.

"My stance is wide enough," Jenna retorted, slightly shuffling her feet outwards as she shot a punch out towards her bag, sending it swinging back and eliciting a rattle from the holding chain.

"Is it really?" Annie asked before shoving Jenna in the shoulder, causing her to lose her balance and fall. "If your stance was wide enough, then I wouldn't be able to push you over. Fix your feet."

"You're such a bitch," Jenna grumbled as she stood back up and widened her feet. "Are my feet wide enough for you, your highness?"

"Widen them about an inch more."

"Seriously Annie, an inch?"

"I'll shove you again to prove my point. I'm the teacher here."

Jenna grumbled under her breath as she slightly widened her stance and began to slowly circle the bag, sending out combos of punches every few steps. Annie stood a few feet away with her arms crossed, watching as Jenna's movements became swifter with the adjustments.

"How does that feel?" Annie asked, her playful tone gone as Jenna stepped back and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Better," she muttered, waving Annie away with her hand as she resumed her stance and threw a kick. "Now go bully my nephew, that's what I bring him for."

"No, you bring him to tell you drama when we get water."

"That too, now go beat up on him."

Annie rolled her eyes playfully and turned to Jeremy, who was working kicks on a practice dummy. His hard breathing and pants mixed with Jenna's as he landed hit after hit.

"How's it going Jeremey?"

"Good," he panted, not stopping his rhythm. "I'm imagining the dummy as Stefan and Damon."

"Alright, alright," Annie said as she observed him, taking little mental notes of his form. "Now get your leg higher."

Jeremy paused and caught his breath as he stared at her, one hand on the dummy for support. "Higher?"

"See if you can hit the head," She said, walking over and demonstrating a perfect kick to the dummy's head, which sent it toppling over. "Like that."

Jermey nodded and resumed his position, squaring up to the dummy as he bounced on his feet. The younger Gilbert sent a roundhouse kick to the dummy's head, but lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Annie tried to hide her amused smile as Jenna burst out cackling, earning a glare from her nephew. Jermey stood up and brushed himself off, squaring up to the dummy to try again before Annie stopped him.

"Jeremy, you need to widen your base. Move your feet out two inches."

Annie's words only caused Jenna to laugh harder as her nephew adjusted his stance, taking a deep breath before winding up for a kick. Jeremey landed a square hit to the dummy's head and sent it toppling over. A triumphant smirk formed on his face as he set the dummy back up.

"Alright, water break," Jenna grumbled, walking over to the small bench where the water bottles and Jeremey's shirt rested.

"Don't be so bitter Jenna," Jeremey teased, taking a swig of his water before using his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

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