Chapter 30

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"He said his name is Mikael."

Annie noticed Klaus's jaw tense as his grip on her waist tightened. A flash of fear flickered across his eyes before they darkened in anger.

"Tell my father he can wait a moment," Klaus stated rhetorically, glancing at the hybrid before looking back at Annie. He knew his father could hear his voice from where he stood, there was no need for the hybrid to say anything.

The hybrid nodded his head obediently and closed the door, but they both could sense him still lingering outside.

Klaus let go of Annie's hand and moved his to her chin, holding it in place as he stared at her intensely.

"I'm so sorry to cut our time short, but I need to go."

His hand moved from her chin to the side of her jaw as he leaned in, placing a gentle kiss at the corner of her lip.

Heat quickly rose to Annie's face as she felt his soft lips nearly graze hers, a tingling sensation breaking out on her face at the contact.

"Do not leave this house," he demanded, his gaze hardening as he stared at her. "Do you understand me?"

Annie let out a shaky breath before nodding her head slightly. Unfortunately, the slight nod of her head didn't satisfy the anxious hybrid.

"I said," he whispered darkly, his hand slipping from her jaw to her neck, his thumb brushing the skin lightly. "Do you understand me?"

Annie couldn't breathe, but it wasn't due to the hand softly gripping her neck. Klaus's harsh gaze still bore into her face, his hard eyes demanding a response from her lips.

"I understand," she whispered breathlessly, her breath hitching in her throat for the second time as Klaus leaned in towards her face. How she managed to get out any words in that moment was beyond her.

"Excellent," he murmured, placing another chaste kiss in the opposite corner of her lips, causing her face to heat up further.

Klaus let go of her completely before turning away. Annie quickly tried to compose herself as he walked toward the door, standing straighter as she touched the corner of her lips.

She felt oddly cold when Klaus let her go, scolding herself for immediately missing his warm touch.

Jenna would be getting her fucking kicks from all of this.

Klaus turned to give her one last look.

"I'll be right back," he said lowly before putting his hand on the doorknob.

"Don't die," she told him teasingly, meaning every word.

"I'll try my best, love," Klaus said before opening the door and stepping out.

Annie exhaled shakily, a hand moving to the top of her head and running through her blonde waves.

What the hell just happened?

Her free hand slowly made its way towards her slightly parted lips, her fingertips gently brushing over each spot Klaus kissed. The blush she had fought so hard against immediately warmed her face again.

A slight gasp left her lips when Rebekah's words from the warehouse suddenly echoed through her head.

"My brother looked like he was ready to move the moon and the stars for you had you asked."

Annie recalled all the stolen glances and the frequent moments when his eyes would linger on her face a little too long during their dance.

Klaus definitely didn't seem like he wanted to murder her then.

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