Chapter 23

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"What?" Annie asked dumbly, blinking in confusion at Rebekah, who let out a small huff.

"Surely you see the way he is with you? I have never seen my brother act so kindly with someone who is not family."

"Rebekah, your brother usually looks like he wants to murder me," Annie joked lightly, slowly coming back out of her shell. "He has an affinity for shoving me against things and manhandling my throat."

"My brother looked like he was ready to move the moon and the stars for you had you asked."

Annie rolled her eyes, causing Rebekah to let out an annoyed huff before continuing.

"When he saw how you were in Gloria's, he looked like he was ready to destroy whoever harmed you."

A shudder rippled through Annie's body when she heard Gloria's name. Her smile fell and she looked away from Rebekah, her gaze tilting towards the floor.

"Now tell me, what did happen to you?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You know I could just compel it out of you, right?"

"Actually you can't," Annie mumbled before searching for a quick excuse. Both knew there was no way Klaus would let her get hands on vervain. "Gloria gave me some vervain yesterday."

Rebekah narrowed her eyes. "You're lying."

"I'm serious about the vervain," lie, "but drop the Gloria talk. I don't want to think about it."

"You know, all you have to do is tell my brother what she did to you. He'll take care of her," Rebekah pressed, stepping closer to Annie, who looked up from the ground.

'Too late,' Annie wanted to say.

"It doesn't matter," Annie murmured, stepping around the blonde and heading towards the crates in the center of the room.

Rebekah let out a loud groan and followed after her, hoisting herself onto the crate next to Annie.

"Fine, don't tell me about Gloria. Tell me what you are going to do about my brother."

"Um, maybe avoid pissing him off? He already made a me-sized dent in the car the last time he was threatening me."

Annie pointed to the dent, earning a smirk from Rebekah.

"I'd like to keep my spine intact, thanks."

"It's too late for that, he's already furious because you won't tell him what Gloria did. Clearly it was something bad; I know what victims look like after torture," Rebekah said with a proud smile, rubbing the purple ring with her index finger.

"Oh joy," Annie murmured just as Stefan walked back into the warehouse. "Runs in the family, huh?"

"Darling, you have no idea."

"No, no, I think I have a pretty good one."

Once again, Annie dramatically pointed towards the large dent in the car before hopping off the crate and posing next to the dent. She pressed herself against the car for dramatic effect, her body perfectly molding against the damage.

Rebekah gave her a smirk, earning a smile from Annie. When Stefan came closer to the two girls, Rebekah dropped the subject of Klaus and gave Stefan her full attention.

Annie watched them for a moment before deciding to give them some space. She noticed Rebekah's flirty walk and sultry tone, deciding to save herself the trouble of watching them.

She stepped around the corner and walked down a different isle, letting herself become lost in thought.

As much as she enjoyed her revenge, Annie worried about the repercussions of her actions. Yes, she killed Gloria and destroyed the evidence, but soon Klaus would figure out the witch was gone. Annie worried not long after, his finger may point in her direction.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now