Chapter 19

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Annie woke up when she felt the car screech to a stop. She didn't open her eyes and tried to get a sense of what was going on without letting her kidnapper know she was awake. She let her body go limp as someone opened the door and scooped her up.

Stefan. She could smell his cologne roll off him in waves as he carried her.

What a little bitch.

Annie counted to three in her head, opened her eyes, and socked Stefan in the jaw. He stumbled from the impact and fell to the ground, but she rolled out of his arms before he could take her down with him.

"Stefan, what the fuck?!"

Stefan let out a small grunt of pain and swayed as he got to his feet and clutched his jaw. He pulled his hand away before popping it back into place.

"Damn it Annie!"

"What the hell Stefan! Why the fuck did you kidnap me?"

Annie stood up and brushed herself off before Stefan grabbed her bicep. He had a tight grip on her as he dragged her into a bar. She got a glimpse of the sign and saw it was called 'Southern Comfort.'

"Stefan let go of me, I don't like being manhandled. I swear Stefan I'll kick your-"

"Well well, what do we have here Stefan." Annie heard a British accent call out.

Oh shit.

She looked up and saw Klaus sitting at the bar, casually tilted back on the barstool with his feet resting on the counter. There was a man strapped  down behind him on the pool table, moaning in pain.

"Why are you here love?"

"I don't know, ask Stefan. Kinda curious about it myself."

"She's insurance to ensure Damon doesn't keep following us. He won't risk her life." Stefan announced, grabbing Annie's other hand that was previously latched onto his wrist, which she was dangerously close to breaking. He grabbed her other wrist and brought both of her arms behind her back.

"And here I thought you abducted me for my charming personality, Stefan," Annie said with fake sadness while continuing to stare Klaus. The hybrid soon broke eye contact with her and turned to look at Stefan.

"I didn't know I was supposed to be expecting a hostage," Klaus said, his playful smirk gone as he stood up from the chair. "When I told you to take care of Damon, this is not what I had in mind."

"Leave Damon alone," Annie gritted, sending Klaus a withering stare.

"Oh I'd love to, but unfortunately Damon has been following Stefan and I, and I can't have that."

"He won't follow us if we have her. He won't risk anything happening to his best friend."

"If Damon doesn't try and come get me then I'll kick his ass."

"Is that supposed to scare us?" Klaus teased, a dangerous smirk flashing back on his face as he took a step towards them.

"I think Damon is more scared of me than he is the two of you."

Annie felt Stefan let go of her arms as Klaus stepped even closer, leaving almost no distance between them. Before Annie could step back, she felt Klaus's arm snake around her waist and yank her flush against his chest.

Both of them were nearly eye level with the other, Klaus only slightly taller than Annie. She kept eye contact with him even when she felt her breath hitch and her heart skip a beat out of nerves.

She stopped breathing all together when Klaus leaned in towards her ear, his warm breath tickling her neck as he whispered,

"Is that so, love?"

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now