Chapter 28

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Heard you guys wanted some Bucky content, but be patient ;)

Also, please someone notice my love interest foreshadowing. My friend and I discussed it at lunch and I have finally made a decision~

Annie stepped into the Gilbert house, adjusting the strap of her backpack on her shoulder. Jenna gently closed the door behind her before leading her into the kitchen. Annie set her bag down next to the counter and took a seat as Jenna busied herself with pouring wine.

She mumbled a small thanks as Jenna placed a glass in front of her. The strawberry blonde took a sip of her drink and leaned on the counter, resting her elbows on the granite.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jenna asked softly.

Annie nodded her head and cracked her knuckles, taking a deep breath as she met Jenna's eye.

"Damon, Stefan, and I don't even know who else made a plan to kill Klaus by bringing his father back here. And I just, it's not even the fact that they're planning to kill him, it's the fact that they're bringing his father here to kill him."

"Why is them bringing his father back here to kill him the part that bothers you most?"

"Because," Annie sniffled and steeld her resolve. She wanted to tell Jenna. She wanted to get all the pain off her chest. She wanted to tell someone who was willing to listen.

"Because my father hunts me too. Damon knows this too and he still called Klaus's father to come kill him. The fucking hypocrite heard us talking about my crush on Klaus."

"Why is your dad looking for you? Don't tell me you left a note that you were becoming a stripper and for him not to expect you for dinner?" Jenna teased, trying to defuse the tension.

"Jenna I'm going to show you something, you can't tell anyone. Not even Jeremey."

"Oh boy, I love secrets!" Jenna said happily before dropping her voice to a whisper. "She admitted she has a crush on Klaus!"

"Jenna focus!"

"Right, sorry. I am focused. What did you want to tell me?"

"Not tell, show," Annie said as she took a deep breath, standing from her stool before walking around the counter and standing in front of the sink. "Jeremey and Elena are asleep, right?"

"Yes, I just checked on them a little while ago."

"Ok," Annie mumbled, pulling a knife out of her back sheath and slicing her hand, letting the blood fall into the sink.


"Just look."

"What if I had hemophobia?"

"Jenna, look," Annie snapped, noticing Jenna's eyes grow wide as she watched Annie's skin heal over, the cut surrounded by a red glow.

"What the- are you like the avenger lady? Do you know the avengers? God Thor is so hot, he can rail-"


"I'm sorry! This isn't my first glass of wine tonight," Jenna mumbled, smacking herself lightly across the cheek. Annie's annoyed expression fell quickly as she burst into laughter, making her way back to her barstool.

"How did you do that?"

"My father subjected me to a lot of illegal experiments when I was a kid. He tried them on my brother first, but they all failed and my brother was killed. He took notes of what went wrong, grabbed his next kid, and tried again," Annie shuddered as she spoke, traces of her laugh long gone. "That isn't even the worst part of it. Prepare for some massive family drama."

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