Chapter 1

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The woman put a night's worth of distance between Hydra and herself. Serveral hours and hundreds of miles later, her body finally gave out.

She dove head first towards the ground and as she began to pull back up, her wings had suddenly retracted and she fell into a tree. She landed eagle spread on a large branch where she proceeded to fall into a bush.

The woman let out a groan as she stood up. She brushed the leaves and twigs off of her arms, legs, and backside.

Towards the end of her flight, her shoulders began to ache and her entire body was screaming at her to set down, but she just couldn't stop. She was hooked on the adrenaline rush like a drug.

Hydra had greatly restricted the use of her wings and she had never flown so freely before. The sheer elation of knowing she could go anywhere she wanted was new to her.

To her, the feeling of exhilaration she felt while flying to the air was unparalleled.

She craved more.

She loved the way the wind whipped through her hair, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach when she dove and did flip flops, and above all, the feeling of freedom.

She examined her arms to see if there were any particularly nasty scratches. Thankfully, there were only a few, which were healing nicely. A small red glow formed under her skin as she watched the cells knit back together and close the wound over. The new baby pink skin was the only indication of an injury.

There were a few rips in her black shirt and pants, but they were small. Her feet were an entirely different story. She braced herself before sitting down and pulling her foot up to examine the damage.

Her initial expectation was for her feet to be bloody and mangled from the jungle floor. To her surprise, the skin was a soft baby pink indicating they healed over while she flew. The only evidence anything happened was the leftover blood stains and excess dirt. Nothing a little water couldn't fix.

At the thought of water, her hand flew to her parched throat. She would need to find something to drink soon.

After inspecting herself for anymore injuries, she shakily tested her feet. She picked one foot up and set it down before gently leaning her weight on it to test the pain. None came.

When she was sure both of her legs would hold her weight and nothing was wrong, she walked out to the road and started her trek. She wished she could fly again, but even the thought of using her wings made pain flare in her shoulders.

She had no idea where she was, but she knew she had flown almost all night. The soft rays of the early morning sun were beginning to spill over the horizon, painting the sky a striking orange color.

She paused to marvel at the beautiful sunrise but the light was hurting her eyes. She lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, blinking rapidly in order to adjust before continuing to walk.

The woman couldn't remember the last time she had seen a sunrise. She had always been taken out of her cell before dawn and returned late into the afternoon. Barely any natural light had been let into her room.

There weren't any cars on the road aside from one or two. She had been walking for a short while, following the straight road through the grassy, rural area. Off in the distance, she could see the bright lights of a city, but it looked to be a long ways away. After walking for what felt like hours, she came up on a small roadside bar.

The woman considered skipping it and attempting to find a small town or trekking all the way to the city, but it was in that moment her stomach betrayed her and made a loud rumbling sound. She hadn't eaten or drank anything in a while and the adrenaline rush blocking out the feelings had worn off.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now