Chapter 48

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I lived out my childhood dreams yesterday, so enjoy this chapter courtesy of my good mood.

I also realize that writing stories on Wattpad bring out my attention whore tendencies. It's so bad. I check my notifications at least 10 times a day, not even kidding.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and please read the news at the bottom.

"What's the offer?" Annie asked, immediately sobering up as if hearing Fury's stern voice was a temporary, magical hangover cure.

"Look, I know you destroyed your father's base and you've given us some information on the other Hydra bases, but we are nowhere near close to being done weeding them out. They've had seventy years to take root."

"Did something else come up?" Annie asked, worry panging her heart when she heard Fury sigh over the phone.

"Yes. We've found out that Alexander Pierce was in league with Hydra. As you know, he's a pretty influential and powerful man."

"So what does this have to do with me?"

"Well, I realize that we need to sink more effort into finding more of these leaks. I know we have other issues too, so that's why I want you to help me focus on the Hydra issue."

"Why me in particular?"

"Well, I know you have a personal vendetta and you're pretty damn deadly when you want to be. Also, I can't have anyone from the avengers on this because they're all too high profile for anything undercover."

"What about Nat?"

"Oh I'm sure Romanoff could do anything needed, but unfortunately I need her for other things. This would also be an under-the-table deal because I don't want to risk anything getting out about it. Nothing would be on the record, including the pay. You'd be stationed in New York close to the tower so the Avengers can keep an eye on you and vice versa."

"Nothing on the record? Does this mean the deal would be another shady deal to add to your list?"

"The list never ends," Fury mused. "What do you say?"

"Look Fury, I'm not sure about this. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do this, but I don't know. I just found my brother and I'm in a relationship now, so I don't know if this is the right time."

"You have a brother?" Fury asked, shock clear in his tone. "When did this happen?"

"Yesterday. I thought you already knew."

"How would I know? No one tells me anything around here."

"That's because we think you already know everything!"

"Well I don't know everything," he snapped, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Is your brother like you?"

"I don't know if we have the same powers, but he's got the serum."

"I see. Look, I'll extend the offer to him after I meet him. I want you to think more about this."

"Interrogation, really?"

"Look, I did the same thing to you when you first came to the tower. He's been with Hydra for however goddamn long. The interrogation is necessary."

"Fine. I'll think about this."

"I'm thinking of making you and Miss Pierce partners in this operation, a group of three if I deem your brother fit. Think about it."

"I will."

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