Chapter 7

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Annie was lucky that Damon had called her earlier and filled her in on everything that was going on.

"C'Mon Anne, can you just do me this favor?"

"I just got here and you are already asking me for favors."

He informed her that there was a sick vampire on the loose in the house with the pride and joy of Mystic Falls. He also so kindly asked if Annie would babysit Elena and Rose, to which Annie said no.

She argued that Elena didn't need a babysitter, but Damon was adamant.

"Annie, I housed you, I clothed you, I taught you to drive!" Damon exclaimed dramatically, shaking her shoulders for effect. "I taught you to drive!"

"I earned my keep though. I helped you hide every body, I saved you from those three vampires, hell, I helped you take down that small gang who pissed you off! Do you know how long it took for me to get the blood off?"

"How many showers did you take?"

"Four, Damon, four showers to get all the blood out."

"Great, now could you please babysit Elena and Rose so you don't have to take four more?"

In the end, they compromised. Annie wouldn't babysit, but she would check on them periodically, just to make sure both were in one piece.

Now, Annie was grumbling as she organized the room Damon had gotten ready for her.

After living together for a while, he had a pretty good idea of what Annie liked, so he took it upon himself to order her some things for her room.

Annie yawned as she pulled out the bedding he had ordered. She hummed in approval as she looked over the bedding along with some other pieces of furniture he had ordered. She also saw a box of her things from New York. Damon most likely had compelled someone to bring their things down.

Annie took her time setting up her new room. She set some things on her new dresser, emptied the box of her things from New York, and put her bedding on her bed. She then decided the rest of her unpacking could wait until after she took a nice nap.

Annie flopped down on her new bed and pulled a blanket over herself. She sighed with content before she heard a large thud and a cry from Elena

"I'm not Katherine!" Elena cried.

Annie groaned into her pillow and rolled off the bed before bolting towards the noise. She threw open the door to Damon's room where she found Elena standing by the bed next to Rose, who was shaking heavily.

"Elena, what's going on, is everything alright?" Annie asked.

"We're alright, I think she's hallucinating or something, she thought I was Katherine."

"I heard, you guys weren't exactly being quiet." Annie said softly before moving towards Rose's side to examine the bite on her shoulder.

"I'm scared" the vampire whimpered.

"You're not alone, I'm right here." Elena said softly, attempting to soothe her.

"Here, where's here?" Rose asked, suddenly confused.

"Damon's bedroom, you're in Damon's bedroom." Elena said, gently pushing the vampire back down onto the bed. Annie stood off to the side and watched the two with a sympathetic face. Her stance was tense, ready to spring into action should the need arise.

"I want to go home" Rose whimpered.

"Tell me about it" Elena whispered, trying to keep the unstable vampire calm.

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