Chapter 15

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After hearing a knock on her door, Jenna was surprised to see a disheveled looking Annie standing outside.

"Morning," she slurred, stumbling slightly and grasping the door frame for balance.

"What the hell happened to you, are you drunk?" Jenna pressed, placing an arm under the taller blonde's shoulders and helping her in the house.

"Mmm I can walk, I can walk," Annie said through a yawn as she plopped down on the couch.

"What is the matter with you?" Jenna asked, crossing her arms and shooting Annie a disappointed mom look. "You better not be drunk because it's only 3 pm. I don't think happy hour has started yet."

"I'm not drunk, 'm tired." Annie yawned, "haven't slept in 2 days."

"Why haven't you slept in two days?!" Jenna hollered.

"Long story," Annie yawned again, leaning her head on the couch and letting her eyes close.

"Why didn't you go home?"

"Stefan said to stay 'way from the house, said he's mad at Damon," Annie yawned, "I think."

"That makes sense, you're friends with Damon and Damon just shoved his blood down my niece's throat." She said thoughtfully before narrowing her eyes at Annie on the couch. "Don't move from that couch, I'm going to bring you a blanket and you're going to take a nap."

Jenna hurried away from the living room to find a blanket. Anne yawned again and slipped off her shoes, more than happy to comply with Jenna. The woman came back a few minutes later with a soft green blanket and her phone pressed to her ear.

"Elena, Elena are you okay?" Jenna rushed out as she threw the blanket at Annie's head. "Slow down, slow down, are you okay? What's going on?"

Annie couldn't hear the other end of the line, but she noticed the terrified look on Jenna's face.

"Elena, calm down, it's going to be okay. Do I need to come and get you? I'll come get you."

Annie's eyes shot open when she heard Jenna's last words.

Why would Elena call her human aunt to come save her from someone who was most likely a vampire? Especially when Jenna was safe in the house. And where was Stefan?

Annie shot up form the couch, a little bit of adrenaline spurring her tired body. She moved quicker than a normal sleep deprived woman as she snatched the phone from Jenna and grabbed the other woman's arm to stop her from leaving.

"Elena, what's going on?"

"Annie?" Annie's eyes narrowed when she heard the small surprise and slight questioning in Elena's tone. "It's me, what's happening."

"Annie please, I'm in trouble, I need Jenna, please-" Annie would've believed the act if she didn't know the lengths Elena went to in order to keep her loved ones safe.

Especially those who were most vulnerable, like Jenna.

"Elena, where is Stefan?" Annie asked, faking a concerned tone.

"I don't know, Annie please help me. I'm at the school, I need your help."

"It's going to be okay," Annie pulled the phone away and yawned a little before bringing it back to her ear. "Jenna and I will come get you," Annie yawned again, "don't worry."

"Please get here soon," she cried before hanging up the phone.

Katherine was a damn good actor, Annie had to give her props.

Shehanded a distraught Jenna back her phone. "It's fake and we aren't going anywhere. I'm too tired to move anyway."


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