Chapter 5

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"Director Fury I presume?" Annie asked, trying to confirm her suspicions.

"You presume correct, now sit down."Annie sat down at the table across from the director, who crossed his arms and leaned forward.

"You know who I am?" He asked.

"Not many people are described to me as 'the bastard with the eyepatch," she chuckled.

Fury laughed before his face resumed it's stoic look. "I suggest you start talking because it seems like we have a lot to talk about."

Annie raised an eyebrow and made no move to speak.

"If you happen to not like talking, there is a cell downstairs you can get aquatinted with." He threatened.

"What would you like me to say?"

"For starters, I'd like to know how the hell you knew Steve was poisoned and what to do about it."

"Poison was on the bullet." She said, crossing her arms across her chest.


Annie said nothing as Fury raised his one good eyebrow at her.

"Tony informed me of your little red magic trick, you can explain that too."

Annie kept her lips pursed in a thin line. "I don't trust you."

"And I trust you about as far as I can throw you."

"Then why would you even bother with me?"

"Because you'd make a good ally. With the little I've heard about your skill, I think you're someone I'd want in my corner. But, maybe I can add something to sweeten the deal."

Annie perked up slightly and leaned forward.

"This is one of the most fortified buildings in the world, you'd be untouchable here. We can offer you safety in exchange for your help and information."

"How do you know safety is what I want?" Fury leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms before sending Annie a knowing smirk. She sighed and copied his movements.

"I see you like deals, Mr. Fury."

"So do we have one?"

Annie thought of Damon. They were separated by hundreds of miles and she was alone in a big city. That didn't bode well for her. She'd be stupid not to take Fury's offer and it's not like he could catch her off guard when her guard was always up.

Annie smiled and held up a hand, letting a soft red glow form around it.

"My safety in exchange for help; that seems like a good deal to me. How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't. But something tells me this deal is too sweet for you to pass up."

Annie hummed to herself and uncrossed her legs before leaning forward and resting her elbows on the desk.

"My power is a complex thing. I'm enhanced like Captain America and I also have this." She twirled her fingers around as the the red glow became brighter.

"There are two sides to power, a bad and a good. I happen to have both."

Her red glow turned to a dark maroon and a small cut opened on her hand. She held her bleeding hand up for Fury to see. A bright red glow formed on her bleeding hand and Fury watched in amazement as her cut healed over.

"What the hell was that?"

"Don't worry, it only works on living things with cells. I cant just cut through random stuff, like a car or your eye patch. Wish I could because I am really curious about what is under there."

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