Chapter 25

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It's a long one guys, no joke. This one chapter was originally broken into two parts. Proceed with caution... :)


"Go away Damon!"

"Rise and shine Anne!"

"No!" Annie groaned as she flipped over in her bed, yanking her pillow over top of her head. "Go away Damon I'm sleeping!"

"Fine then, I'll just go and celebrate your 21st birthday all by myself. Such a shame!"

"Oh yeah, it's my birthday today!" Annie hollered, bolting upright with a goofy grin plastered on her face.

"You slept in pretty late, so get dressed and meet me downstairs. We have a big day ahead of us," he said, bowing dramatically and speeding out of her room.

The whole time Annie was getting dressed, she had a big grin stretching ear to ear. Today was her day, the day she'd been excited about for months.

Today Damon was going to teach her how not to drink. He told her they would go "easy" for her "first time", but Annie neglected to mention one important thing.

She couldn't get drunk, but it would be funny to watch him try. When she did tell him, she had a feeling he would find a way.

Nevertheless, she was excited.

Annie put on a blue dress with a floral pattern, a black leather jacket from Damon's closet, and black combat boots, tying it together with a braid in her hair.

Before she could head downstairs, her phone rang. She didn't recognize the caller ID, and she knew it wasn't Fury.


"Ah hello love, happy birthday."

"How did you know? And how the hell did you get my number? Did Stefan give it to you?"

"Yes he did, I asked him for it."

"Wait a minute, when did Stefan get my number?" She wondered aloud, pulling the phone from her ear before shrugging and putting it back."

"My guess would be last night. I wasn't very happy with you disappearing on me last night, love."

"That ass, he must've stolen it from Damon. And are you going to throat throttle me for disappearing? Actually, please don't because it would probably be the fourth time. Hey, that sounded cool," she said, testing the phrase on her tongue. "Throat throttle."

"No Annie, I'm not going to 'throat throttle' you, as you so kindly put it."

"Speaking of Damon, can't talk too long because he is taking me out drinking. Bye Klaus!"



Annie hung up the phone before Klaus could say another word. She skipped downstairs to find Damon standing in the kitchen with a wrapped gift.

"Happy Birthday!"

Annie's smile grew even bigger as she took the gift from his hands and tore off the paper.

Inside was a new leather jacket and a silver necklace with half of the heart charm missing.

"It's your own leather jacket, now you can stop stealing mine and I can get them back!" Damon cheered before pulling out a matching silver chain from under his shirt. "I have the other half too."

"Damon, these are so sweet," she gushed, throwing her arms around his neck in a hug. "Thank you for my gifts."

"Caroline left this one for you before she left for school," he told her, handing her a brightly colored birthday bag.

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