Chapter 22

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Annie still hadn't spoken a word since the two Mikaelsons returned. Gloria still insisted the blonde only had a nightmare, but Klaus found her excuse extremely suspicious. To anyone else, it would seem like a perfectly reasonable explanation, but the hybrid wasn't convinced.

"Stand up," Klaus demanded gently, pulling Annie up by the arm.

He didn't miss the far off look in her eyes, nor the flinch when his hand moved down towards her wrist. Klaus guided her over towards the bar and sat her down in a chair next to Rebekah, sending his sister a look as to say, 'don't say anything.'

Rebekah watched the two with a curious gaze as Klaus poured two glasses of bourbon, sliding one to Annie and keeping the other for himself. Annie merely shook her head and passed the glass back to him, not meeting his eyes. Klaus huffed as he passed the glass to Rebekah before storming over to Gloria and slamming his hand down on the table.

"What the bloody hell happened, witch?" He growled, letting his eyes flash yellow.

Gloria flinched slightly, but held her steady composure as she stared Klaus down.

"I told you, she fell asleep here and had a nightmare, a nasty one too. I can give her some herbs to help with the severity of them, just like I told her last night. Now back up, I need to work here."

"If I find out you are lying, it won't end well for you."

"And here I thought she was just Stefan's little hostage," Gloria quipped. A moment later, Rebekah piped in, "so she's Stefan's girl?"

Klaus felt a sharp pang of anger at Rebekah's words. He whirled around and glared at his sister, who seemed rather smug.

"No, she's not."

"I don't understand why you're getting so worked up, Klaus. I told you what happened and I'm willing to help you, now sit down."

"I don't like being lied to, Gloria. Now hurry up and do what I asked."

He heard the witch let out a quiet scoff and imagined she rolled her eyes when his back was turned. He could care less.

Klaus knew she was lying.

The hybrid stormed back over to the bar and downed the entirety of his glass in one go. Rebekah looked mildly impressed as she sipped on her own drink before motioning to Annie.

"What's wrong with her? I thought she would be more entertaining than this."

"I don't know, Rebekah," Klaus snapped, "obviously I'm trying to figure it out."

"Why don't you just ask her instead of demanding things from others when she's sitting right next to you?" The blonde asked, a smirk curling at her lips when she received a defensive glare from her brother.

"Please don't, just leave it alone," came Annie's small whisper as she hugged herself with her arms.

"See?" Klaus asked mockingly tilting his head at his sister, who rolled her eyes in response.

"Just compel it out of her then if you want to know so bad," Rebekah said like it was the most obvious solution in the world.

Annie abruptly stood up from her seat and left the two, walking behind the bar to pour herself a glass of water. She tipped her head back and took a sip, staring and sighing at the ceiling when she finished.

"Now look what you've done Rebekah," Klaus jeered, earning a glare from the blonde as Stefan finally made his entrance.

Rebekah stopped her glaring session with Klaus when Stefan cleared his throat.

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