Chapter 12

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"Hey Damon, I think I'm going to try out this juice thing I saw online, seems pretty legit and apparently it's good for- oh, am I interrupting something?" Annie paused, drink in hand when she saw Damon glaring at Katherine, who was bent over on the couch as she pulled a stake out of her chest. "Clearly I am."

"Not now Annie. You," Damon growled, pointing at Katherine, "start talking."

"I'd love to, but you're not going to like it."

"Try me."

'Not now Annie' she mocked in her head. "Go fuck yourself," She murmured, putting her hand behind the inside of her jacket and secretly flipping Damon the bird.

"Fine, John Gilbert and Isabel want you and Stefan out of Elena's life."

"That's old news." Damon smirked as Annie took a sip of her drink and shot a finger gun at Damon to show her agreement.

"Not the part where he offered me a deal. He knew that killing Elijah would get me out of the tomb, so he gave me a choice. Either I stay and help with Klaus, or he kills Stefan."

"But he still tried to have me killed."

"Right, that was part of the deal. I could only save one of you." Katherine finished before giving Damon a little sorry smile.

"So you chose Stefan," Damon drawled, "of course you did."

Annie slammed her drink down on a little side table and wiped her mouth before walking over to Damon and grabbing his hand. The message in the small gesture was clear, she chose him. She was there for him. She shot Katherine her own glare and made a slicing motion with her finger across her throat.

"You wanted the truth Damon, would you rather I lie?" Katherine sent Damon a look of sympathy before her gaze flickered to Annie and her eyes narrowed. "Now, you need to start talking. What the hell was the little show I got back in the kitchen."

'A one time deal, I don't work for free,' Annie wanted to say. She remembered Damon's words as an offended look formed on her face.

Time to test her acting skills.

"So you admit to letting my best friend almost get killed and now you want to interrogate me? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I know what I saw."

"And what might that be?" Annie spat, her tone venomous. Damon's eyes narrowed at Katherine as he squeezed Annie's hand. The plan better work, or Annie was going to be in some hot water.

"Your eyes, they, they turned red!"

"What?" Annie asked, pretending to be confused. Her scathing glare dropped as her face contorted into a look of fake confusion. "Why the hell would my eyes be red?"

"You're seeing things Katherine," Damon added, dropping Annie's hand as he slowly sauntered towards the doppelgänger. "I think all that time rotting away in the tomb, along with all the conspiring you seem to be doing lately, is really getting to your head."

Annie noticed Katherine's confident stance falter. The thought of Damon's, sorry, her, plan working made her want to smile. Damon's plans don't work.

"No, I know what I saw!"

"You're fucking crazy," Annie spat as she grabbed her drink and downed the rest of it. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but you trying to make some crazy story about me after admitting to trying to kill my best friend makes me want to grab that stake and stab you in the heart."

Both Annie and Damon doubled down on their glaring as Damon walked over to Annie and put his arm around her shoulders. Katherine looked between the two of them, her smile turning into a frown.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now