Chapter 21

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Well, here's a nice long chapter for you as an apology for my lack of activity this week. I hope you enjoy.

I feel like I should put a small trigger warning here for one of the torture scenes I have placed in the middle of this, just in case. Tread lightly when you see the little '***' symbol while they are in Gloria's bar for the second time.

Sometimes I amaze myself at the shit I come up with.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan," Klaus said as the car pulled into a warehouse.

"Oh look, I'm in a scary warehouse with two murderers," Annie mumbled to herself, trying hard not to laugh at her own jokes. "How cliché."

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked as the three of them stepped out of the car.

"I know how much you loved it here," Klaus said as he opened a door to see a view of the city and a large truck coming their way. "Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days."

"Blocked out most of them. Lot of blood, lot of partying. The details are all a blur."

'Same, but at the same time, not same,' Annie thought to herself, drumming her fingers on her crossed arms.

"Well that is a crying shame. The details are what makes it legend."

Annie gave Klaus a weirded out look as he stared out at the city, seemingly lost in thought. A small smile graced his face as his eyes seemed to swirl with nostalgia.

"Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition; everything was off limits then which made everything so much fun."

"Sounds fun. I have a friend who was born around the time prohibition started," Annie said offhandedly, still staring at the city lights.

She could imagine present Bucky stealing and sneaking alcohol if he lived back in the prohibition era. She could also imagine herself sneaking around with him, and probably Damon too for the fun of it.

She really needed to get home to her phone to call Fury. She had been keeping up with the Avengers and the search for Bucky through phone calls over the summer, but there hadn't been much progress before Stefan kidnapped her.

"Annie, Damon was born in the 1800s. Prohibition was in the 20's and a little bit of the-"

"I know when the prohibition era was Stefan," Annie snapped, clenching her hand in a fist to avoid smacking Stefan across the face. "Don't assume the entirety of my good friends are limited to Damon, you depressing douchebag."

Klaus let out a loud chuckle at Annie's outburst, but Stefan still seemed rather impassive. Annie turned around and stormed away, walking behind a rather large shelf. She took her clenched fist and swung it at a large wooden box. The box shattered and collapsed in on itself from the force of her punch, revealing nothing but some packing straw inside. 

Annie took a deep, calming breath and wiped the wood splinters off her hand. She watched as her powers healed her hand while simultaneously destroying the invasive splinters in her knuckles. She waited for the red markings to die down before stepping back towards the boys.

"...are going to see my favorite witch," Annie heard Klaus saying when she rejoined them. "If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."

Klaus turned and gave Annie a smug smirk, earning a nasty glare in return. 

"Are you feeling better love?"

"Shut up."


Annie trailed behind Stefan and Klaus, looking over the old bar with a keen eye. The place was dark and empty, but she could imagine a time when the place was at it's prime. After all, this place and the witch who ran it were all Klaus talked about on the way here.

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