Chapter 24

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I really do love surprises...

The second time Stefan woke up, Rebekah and Annie were standing outside of the truck while Klaus was no where to be found. Stefan groaned as he came to, realizing they were in the parking lot of Mystic Falls High.

"Oh, he lives," Rebekah cooed as Annie continued to stare at the night sky.

Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as thoughts raced through her mind. She wondered where Damon was, if he was in the school, and if he knew they were back. The last option was least likely. If Damon knew she was back, he would be here in a heartbeat.

Annie was so excited to see her best friend again, even though it had only been about a week since they parted.

"What happened?"

"You took a beating, my brother and I have been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the tempers."

"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?"

"You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long to figure out what you'd been hiding."

"I'm not hiding anything," Stefan lied as he stood up. "I've done everything Klaus's asked me to."

Annie let out a soft groan, muffled by her hand. "Stefan doesn't know how not to be dumb," she informed them.

"I see you've finally come back," the vampire snapped.

"Did you miss me Stefan?" Annie teased, giving the vampire a sweet smile.

"Not really, I think I liked you better silent."

"Fuck you Stefan, I think you're just mad because I'm funnier than you."

"Just because you talk with an accent doesn't make you funny."

"Are you insulting my accent Stefan? I'm funny with or without it. The accent just makes everything I say sound better. You're just mad because Rebekah, Klaus, and I all have accents and sound better than you, you sulky shit."


"That's enough," Rebekah piped in, cutting Stefan off. "People named Stefan who fail to mention the doppelgänger is still alive do not get to talk."

"Hurensohn," Annie murmured, smiling to herself when Stefan looked at her confusedly.

[Son of a bitch]

After a moment of silence, Stefan finally spoke up again.

"Where is Klaus now?" He asked brusquely, looking away from Rebekah's mocking smirk.

"With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off."

A split second later, Stefan sped towards Rebekah and flying tackled her onto the pavement, causing Annie to burst out into laughter at the sight.

"Where is she?" He demanded, shaking Rebekah's shoulders.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Rebekah asked before getting up, shoving Stefan against the truck, and grabbing a conveniently placed crowbar. She smacked the ripper across the face with the tool before bringing it behind his neck and yanking him to face her.

"Consider me jealous," she said sarcastically before stabbing Stefan with the crowbar.

The ripper dropped to the floor and groaned in agony. Rebekah made a satisfied hum before flipping and hair and turning away on her heels.

"Come along Annie, let's go find my brother."

"Actually, can I have a few coins? I need to make a call."

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