Chapter 13

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"Hey Stef, why don't we just give the house to Annie?"

Stefan gave Damon a blank look before a confused look formed on his face. "Why would we do that?"

"Think about it. Klaus would probably expect the house to be in Elena's name. Besides, Annie can't be compelled to let him in because," Damon almost spat out his drink when he realized what he almost said, "because uh, she's on vervain."

"Elena is also on vervain. Besides, she's already signing the papers."

"You know what," Damon said, raising his hands in surrender, "forget I said anything."


"Annie I'm so glad that you're not as stupid as Ele- what the fuck are you doing!" Damon yelled when he noticed the packed bag sitting on her bed.

He knew Annie was pretty paranoid, but she always managed to hide it well. He also knew she had a bag packed and was secretly armed at all times in case she needed to make a quick get away. Despite knowing all this, and being aware that someday she would need to run again, he was surprised to see er nearly ready to leave. 

"I'm getting in the shower!" She hollered back, poking her head around her bathroom door and shooting Damon a glare. "Now get out!"

"Why are you packing?"

"I'll explain in a minute, now let me get in the shower."

"Hurry up, you always take forever in the shower."

"Shut up, says the person who goes out of their way to test out expensive shampoos and talks to himself for an hour."

"I'm also the person who pays the water bill."

Damon smirked when Annie slammed the door shut and he heard her mumble choice words under her breath. 

"Annie, don't say those words!" He loved giving her shit about cursing for absolutely no reason other than it pissed her off when he did.  

Damon waited a minute before he stood up from her bed and started banging on her bathroom door. 

"What do you want?!" He heard her yell.

"Are you done yet?"


Damon smirked to himself and walked over to her bedside table before readjusting all her stuff and secretly unplugging her phone charger. He waited another minute before walking back over to the bathroom door and banging on it again.

"Are you done yet?" He asked innocently.

"Fuck off Damon!" He heard her yell back. 

Damon put a hand to his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "Are you almost done?"

"Leave me alone!"

"Why are you leaving?"

Damon received no response, but he did hear Annie mumbling something in a foreign language. She was probably cussing him out.

Damon sat back down on her bed and waited for her to finish in the shower. She walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel with a withering glower on her face. 

"What the freaking fuck is the matter with you?"

"Did you just say 'freaking fuck'?"

"Yeah, now what do you want?"

"Why the freaking fuck are you packing, are you leaving?"

Annie sighed and gestured for him to turn around. Damon obliged and turned away from her, placing his hands over his eyes so she could get dressed. Annie cleared her throat when she was finished and waited for Damon to turn back around.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now