Chapter 44

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"What is it? What's going on?" Annie asked.

Bucky nodded his head towards the hallway, signaling for her to come with him.

"I think you're going to need to see it to believe it. Come on."

Annie grabbed Klaus by the wrist and pulled him towards Bucky, her heart pounding with anticipation as Bucky stared down at her hand.

"Well, come on. Lead the way, soldier."

Bucky nodded and turned away, leading them out of the hallway, down a flight of stairs, and into the main area of the compound.

Annie found the Avengers all huddled around something. She also noticed Damon had arrived, now staring wide-eyed at Thor.

The two made eye contact and Dampn shot her a discrete grin, his eyes wide with wonder as he stood next to his idol. Annie turned her head and saw Klaus's eyes widen in shock as he stared at Thor, who turned and gave them a wave.

Thor had a grasp on Loki, who nodded his head slightly in acknowledgment. Damon's grin turned into a glare when he saw Annie's interaction with the two gods. Apparently, a simple wave made him jealous.

Steve and Nat turned to look at her and parted the crowd for her while Clint turned around and looked at her, then back at whatever was in their little circle.

"What is it?" Annie asked as she approached.

"Come see," Nat said cryptically, nodding her head towards whatever was in the center of their little circle.

Annie let go of Klaus and quickly made her way past them, gasping at what, or rather who, she saw.

Sitting in the middle of the huddle was a man in a kneeling position. He looked up as she approached, and what she saw shocked her to her very core.

As he stood up, a mess of blonde curls fell in his face. However, the curls couldn't hide the man's story gray eyes that were identical to her own. In addition, he was nearly a head taller than her and ripped with muscle, but Annie could still recognize his freckled face any day.

"Nate?" She asked tentatively, her voice coming out rasp and soft.

He stared directly at her as she approached, not saying a word as he studied her face.

She saw the moment he recognized who she was. His eyes widened and his lips parted, a moment of tense silence passing between them before he spoke up.

"Angelika?" He asked in the same tone, causing a smile to break out across Annie's face.

It was him. Her brother was alive and standing right in front of her.

She wasted no time in throwing her arms around his upper torso, her brother returning the hug with equal fervency as he rested his head on top of hers.

"I can't believe you're alive!" She sobbed as she buried her head into his chest, squeezing him tighter.

Annie feared he wouldn't really be there if she let go.

"Me? I can't believe you're alive! Father told me you were dead!"

Annie pulled away and stared up at her brother with shock as he looked down at her with the same expression.

"He told me the same thing like ten years ago. Apparently, you're a failure and a bastard child who can't do anything right."

"Apparently you're a disobedient pain in the ass who can't do what you're told."

"Nothing's changed!" She heard Damon holler from behind them, earning a few snickers from the group.

"No, not really, but we know the real loser is our dead father who is currently laying in a pool of his own blood in his office," Annie said proudly, earning a surprised look from her big brother.

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