Chapter 46

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Sorry for the long wait, I had some writer's block with this chapter, but it turned out pretty well.

Anyway, Someone very special is going to make a reappearance in this chapter...

"Two threes," Clint said confidently, placing down two cards.

"One four," Elijah said monotonously as Nat grabbed two of her cards and readied herself to put them down.

"Wait. Bullshit," Loki said, a wicked grin adorning his face, watching with uncontained glee as Elijah swore quietly and picked up the large stack of cards. He was almost out, but Loki put a stop to the Original's fast-approaching victory.

As it turns out, Loki's brilliant idea for their celebration was to play Bullshit.

He learned how to play the game while locked up in the Avengers' tower. The four agents who were supposed to be guarding his cell had grown bored and pulled out a deck of cards to play. They taught him how to play and he nearly convinced them to let him out.

Not to cause trouble, but to play the game.

[A/N: I'll put the rules to bullshit at the end of the chapter. If you don't know how to play, you can scroll down and see my best shot at a halfway decent explanation.]

Now, Loki, Nat, Clint, Bucky, and a couple of others were sitting in a circle in Damon's living room.

Surprisingly, after Loki suggested the game, Elijah was one of the first to volunteer. Even more surprisingly, Bonnie raised her hand towards the end when Clint did the last call for whoever wanted to be dealt in.

The rest of the gang were spread out on the couches, watching the game progress.

"Hah, take a shot, Elijah!" Kol taunted as Klaus poured his older brother a drink.

Both Klaus and Kol were sitting behind Elijah, tasked with pouring shots of Asgardian alcohol for whoever was caught in a lie. For normal humans like Bonnie, Nat, and Clint, Damon had offered a bottle of his finer liquor.

Said vampire was currently next to Annie on the couch, both of them enjoying the fruits of her labor.

"Loser~" He drawled, cupping his hands around his mouth as he teased Elijah while Annie burst out laughing.

Damon snatched the bottle of Annie's prize Asgardian mead from her hands and took a sip, but Annie quickly stole it right back.

"Hey, that's mine!"

"You said we could share!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Your brother is sharing with Jenna!" Damon hollered, pointing across the room where Jenna and Nate were wrestling with Nate's bottle, Finn watching them with both embarrassment and amusement.

"Give me that!" Nate hissed, tugging the bottle towards himself.

"I just want to try a sip," Jenna pleaded, trying to tug it back toward her body.

"No, it's mine. Go get some of my sister's."

"She won't share it with me. She said it's not for normal humans, but I really want to try it."

"If Angelika said no, then I'm not going to give you any."


"Alright darling, let go of the bottle. I will find you something sufficient," Finn offered, gently pulling Jenna's hands off of the bottle. "I do not want you to get sick."

"I won't get sick."

"Asgardian liquor is not good for humans," Thor pointed out. "The super soldiers are the exceptions."

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