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I woke up to see Hawk, I smiled at him sleeping. I tapped on him and he rubbed his eyes, "hey" he smiled. I smiled back. "You have school." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah your right, but I might just skip." He said. I shook my head no. "You can't skip." I said and he looked at me. "But you get too" he said whining. "Yeah cause if I bonk my head just right I could die" I said and he nodded.

"Good excuse miss Flynn." He said and I giggled. "For real Eli, you need to go to school." I said and he nodded. "Promise me you'll be ok?" He said and I nodded. "I promise I'll be fine ok? I love you" I said and he nodded. "I love you too."

He quickly kissed my lips and got up leaving. I couldn't really do much but I did have to use the bathroom. I tapped on the button for a nurse.

The lady walked in and smiled, "morning miss Flynn what's going on?" She asked. "I have to use the bathroom" I said and she nodded. "Ok" she said and came over.

She unhooked me from the machine and into a portable one, she helped me stand up and we walked to the bathroom. She turned around while I used the bathroom.

Once I was done she helped wash my hands and we went back to my room. I laid back into my bed and she hooked me back up to the machines.

My chest started hurting which was causing me to cough. She looked at the machine and panicked. She called the doctor and I felt it getting harder and harder to breathe.

She put a mouth oxygen thing over me and laid me back. "Some how we missed this, but her lung is about to collapse." The nurse said.

I started to panic, which wasn't smart. They noticed and held me down. "Harper! Calm down!" The nurse said. I cried out and kept coughing..

"Harper your gonna be ok, we're getting you to surgery." The doctor said and I took a deep breath making me cough more.

Then the second most scariest thing ever happened to me, I couldn't breathe, I felt myself gasping for air. "The lung has collapsed!" The nurse yelled and they started pushing me to the OR.

I kept gasping for air only getting a tiny bit each time. Finally we arrived and they injected something into me, I started to feel sleepy and everything went black.


I woke up with a tube thing in my nose giving me oxygen, I was in a different room now, the room walls were clear, I'm in the ICU. Why am I here?

The nurse walked in, "how are you feeling miss?" She asked. I tried to talk but my throat hurt. "Your not gonna be able to talk for a little bit, your throat went under a great deal of stress and we had to make in incision on your throat so you could breathe" she said. I nodded and closed my eyes trying to sleep. 


"Harper?! Is she ok?!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes to Eli. I looked up and saw him running around frantically.

He walked into my room and a tear rolled down his face, "what happened..." he said. I tried to talk but it was raspy and quiet mumble no one could understand.

He sat down in the chair next to my bed. "Don't talk.. it's ok." He said and I nodded. "are you ok?" He asked and I nodded yes. He grabbed my phone. "Text me what happened?" He said and I nodded.

I started to type.. the doctors missed it but after the fight my lung was going to collapse but it collapsed this morning. The surgery fixed it but my throat will be sore for a little bit.. meaning no talking.

His phone dinged and he nodded. "So your not gonna die?" He asked. I smiled and nodded no. He sighed "that's a relief." He said and grabbed my hand.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now