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After the ambulance came for Demetri, I ditched my car and ran, I didn't know what to do, I wasn't badly hurt but I was overwhelmed.

My phone dinged-

Miguel- hey come over to the apartments I wanna show you something.

I sighed and started walking, I pulled up my camera to see my scar busted open and my nose bleeding..

I tried to wipe the blood off but it just stained the white shirt I was wearing, I sighed and gave up on it.

After the walk I arrived at the apartments, I saw Miguel and his mom and Johnny, the two adults stood around him excitedly as he tapped his foot,

Miguel looked up and saw me, "Harper?" He called out, I ducked down and Johnny and Carmen looked around. "Where?" Carmen asked.

"Behind the bush." He said. "Harper come out, why are you hiding?" Miguel said.

I sighed and walked out, Carmen gasped and Johnny walked forward, "what the hell happened? are you alright?" He asked.

I tried to stay calm but I started hyperventilating. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back, "your safe now ok? You don't have to be afraid.." Johnny said.

I kept crying and eventually he pulled me into his apartment, he sat me down and got me calm and told me to shower.

I cried in the shower as the memory and sound of Demetris arm replayed.. how could Eli do that.. it was his best friend.. I was so upset it physically hurt me.. I couldn't even imagine what Demetri must feel.


I got out of the shower and walked out to Johnny sitting drinking a beer and on his computer, he was scrolling through facebook.

"What the hell is a tag." He said and scrolled until he saw a picture of him and Miguel at a concert.

"Was the concert fun?" I asked, he looked over and nodded, "here come sit." He said and I walked over sitting down next to him.

He turned the computer so we could both see. He clicked on the picture, it was him and Miguel, they both seemed so happy.

He made the same face he did in the photo "Awesome" he said, and I giggled at him, "what is this?" He said to himself and clicked on a friend request.

I looked at saw the name. Ali Mills schwarber. I gasped at the sight of the name. "Holy shit Johnny!" I said and he laughed.

"You should probably get to bed kid, I'll see you in the morning." He said and I nodded. I walked to the couch and sprawled out, just like old times.

I never really realized how much I missed Johnny until tonight, I'm glad to be back here, even if it's for the night.

I laid at the right angle so I could still see the computer, he accepted the friend request and looked at her profile for a second.

Then he scrolled and saw a picture of her, all I have to say is wow.. I wish I looked like that at there age. She was stunning.. and I mean stunning..


I woke up to Johnny on his computer, Ali had messaged him and I guess he was reading it. I got up and changed. "So what are we going today." I said interrupting him.

"Well your going to school, and I am gonna train Miguel." He said and I sighed, "Johnny it's Saturday." I said and he nodded. "Oh right." He said and looked around. "I guess you can stick around for the day if you want." He said and I smiled.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now