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Me and Eli drove to miyagi-do karate, by now I said fuck the wheelchair and I walk on my own, with elis help, it was February break this week so I didn't have school, (idk if other people's school have that but mine does lol!)

We pulled into the driveway and I looked at Eli. I was second guessing telling them about Robby, was I positive that Robby was still in cobra Kai? No. But I had a gut feeling he was.

Robbys car sat in the driveway and I walked passed it, I looked at the car and saw a cobra Kai gi in the passengers seat. "No way." I said. Eli walked over and Miguel and Sam pulled in

"I knew it." Eli said angry. Sam and Miguel walked over, "check it out!" I pointed against the glass.

Sam gasped and Miguel rolled his eyes, "go figure" he said not amused. I started walking away, to the backyard and Miguel and Eli stood by my side slightly behind me and Sam stood at robbys car shocked.

I pushed the wooden gate door open and saw Robby talking to Daniel and Johnny.

"I can't believe you!" I said walking over to Robby, Daniel and Johnny looked at me, "calm down! What's the matter with you!" Daniel said.

"He's still in cobra Kai." Sam said holding onto his gi, Robby looked at Sam with a broken expression. "No I'm not" he lied, walking to her and grabbed the gi.

Johnny looked at us shaking his head, "Robby! There sorry for blaming you ok?" He said, "no, We're not." Miguel said.

"He betrayed you! How could you trust him so easily!" Miguel shouted. Johnny looked a little taken back, "he's my son." Johnny said.

You could see Miguel's facial expression turn to a frown. "I can't believe you." Miguel said and walked away, Sam followed him.

Me and Eli went to walk away but Johnny grabbed me, "where are you going!" He said. "Robby is still in cobra Kai.. and I know I was just apart of that a little over 3 weeks ago, but I realized how bad it was. How evil those two men were. And Robby is still with them." I said and started to walk away.

"Robby is this true?" Daniel finally spoke up, "I- yeah, I'm still in cobra Kai.." Robby said.

I walked back to Robby and slapped him, "why! It's so bad! Don't fall for terry and Kreese tricks like I did," I said and he laughed.

"They are better men then these two will ever be." He scoffed and walked away to his car.

Johnny ran after him and I scoffed, "ok class! After that no class today! Stay and train if you want to, if not go home and enjoy yourself." Daniel said.

Me and eli looked at each other before going to my car, we looked at Miguel and Sam as they stood next to our car,

"Wanna go to the beach?" Sam asked. I looked at Eli who nodded, "ok, meet you there in a hour?" Miguel said and we all nodded.

Me and Eli drove to his house and quickly got changed into bathing suits. We sat at his dinning room table and ate lunch.

"Tomorrow night I am going to Demetris house, you don't mind staying here without me right?" He said, I took a bite of my food and nodded.

"I don't mind. You deserve to go out and have fun." I said and he smiled, "thanks babe." He said and kissed my cheek.


We talked for a little longer and walked out to his motorbike and drove to the beach, I probably shouldn't be doing this right now. But I promised Eli I'd be fine, so he agreed.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now