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"What about Friday?" Miguel asked Tory. They were trying to hang out, "can't. Working at the roller rink." She said.

"Great, let's turn it into a date night." Miguel said. "Me and Hawk will come too." I smiled and they both looked at me smiling.

"Alright but you gotta wear a costume, it's 80's night." She said and we both nodded. "Are you kidding? I love the 80's" Miguel said.

I nodded "my whole playlist is 80's music" I laughed, Tory and Miguel did too. "Dibs on Michael Anthony hall from weird science" Miguel said.

Me and Tory looked at him and giggled. "I don't think you have to call dibs on that." Tory said with a small laugh.

After that Hawk walked in. I smiled at him quickly and Miguel looked at us and got up. He walked over to Hawk and apologized for coyote creek. Must be they had a Gruesome fight.

A couple minutes later Hawk came over and kissed my cheek. Tory and Miguel made silly faces, making me laugh. "Everyone fall in!" Johnny yelled.

I hadn't seen him sense that night. I've been at Eli's. "Today we will be learning one of the most important lessons a cobra Kai could ever know." Johnny said.

I was standing between Eli and Miguel, Miguel was more focused on Tory though. "Where's sensei kreese?" Hawk asked.

Other kids started wondering to. Even I was a bit curious. "Yeah, shouldn't we wait for the sensei emeritus before we get going?" Chubs asked.

I turned to looked at him confused and faced back to the front. "Or not?" He added.

"Mr. Kreese will no longer be joining us." Johnny said. Everyone looked around I'm confusion and small talk was starting up. Miguel looked at me as if I knew and I shrugged.

"I don't know I've been at Eli's." I whispered and he nodded. "I made a promise when I became your sensei. To always look out for your best interests. Despite how hard it may be for all of us, he didn't have our best interest at heart." Johnny said.

I couldn't imagine how Johnny must feel, he must feel so betrayed. Thinking he could trust kreese again only for it to get broken, I felt bad.

"John kreese may have founded cobra Kai, but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for. His cobra Kai was old, and outdated." Johnny said moving around.

"He refused to move forward. What happens when you do that, mr. Diaz?" Johnny asked Miguel. "You get stuck like cement." Miguel replied.

"Exactly." Johnny said. He looked around for a quick moment before talking again. "To be a great fighter, you got to learn to adapt. This creed on the wall..." he said pointing to the words, strike first, strike hard, no mercy.

"Follow it to the letter, it'll make you strong. It'll make you formidable. But It will also make you an asshole." He said finally turning to face us.

"Cause that's just black paint on a white wall. But life's not black and white. More often then not, it's gray. And it's in those gray areas where Johnny Lawrence cobra Kai...sometimes shows mercy." Johnny added.

Hawk looked at Johnny like he'd just had a stroke, he looked angry, but I wasn't sure why. "Doesn't mean you can't be a badass, it's still a requirement. But you have to learn to think, not just with your gut... or your fist..." he said pausing.

"But to really... use this" Johnny said tapping on his head. "Which leads me to today's lesson.." Johnny said turning to grab something.

He grabbed a sheet of wood and smashed his head into in breaking it in half. Some people laughed in shock, "head-butting."

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