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We arrived to the beach and got out, "I can't even remember the last time I was at the beach." Robby said, "yeah, I haven't been here sense the summer time." I said.

We walked over to a little bridge way that met the parking lot to the sand, me and Robby walked over to the sand and stood looking out at the water.

It had just rained so the sand was still wet, although the sun was out so it would dry back up quickly.

We walked the shoreline as the waved rolled in, Robby had to roll up his pants so they didn't get soaked.

"I know this isn't my business, but why are you so mad at dad?" I asked and he looked at me, "it's just, he's never been there for me, he's always been gone. And now he tries to make things right.. but it just doesn't seem sincere" he said and I nodded.

"You might think he's all great but I don't." He said and I looked at him, "he has his flaws but he's trying, dads not a multitasker, he thinks he can do each thing one by one and no one will get upset.. so I see what your saying." I said.

"The whole time I was in the hospital he visited me once, one time.. in the time I've known him as my dad, he's been alright to me, so I'm sorry it hasn't been the same to you.. you don't deserve that." I said and he nodded.

"I guess I kinda deserve it" he said and I looked at him confused. "I chose Daniel over him for a year straight.. and I regret it.. maybe if I'd joined cobra Kai with you guys and stuff he'd like me more." He said frowning,

I rubbed his back, "Robby, he doesn't like you any less.. he's just complicated.. he will come around, trust me" I said and he nodded.


It was now about 1:00 today at 4 Miyagi-do had practice so I decided to go to it, I looked to see Robby laying in the sand.

"Hey, I hate to cut things short but I have karate in an hour, do you wanna maybe go get dinner after?" I said and he nodded.

"Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?" I said and he shook his head no. I nodded and stood up, "I'll meet you at the pier?" I said and he nodded.

I started walking to my car and drove to miyagi-do, I pulled in and grabbed a white gi, from Daniel. I changed quickly and walked out to the students.

Some seemed shocked to see me, Sam and Chris and Demetri looked at me with a smile, happy I finally decided to come.

"Everyone, this is Harper, she's our newest student." Daniel said putting his hand on my shoulder, "go stand by sam." He said and I nodded walking over to her.


We were doing some punching thing, I was getting the hang of it and so was Sam but the others kids kinda struggled.

"Ok, let's do it again. From the top." Daniel said and we all nodded starting to do it again. "Keep going, let's go!" He said walking around us all.

He walked over to Chris who was doing the moves sloppy. "Come on, Chris. You know these moves." Daniel said.

"Sorry mister. L, I'm just trying to keep up." Chris said stopping the movements to talk back to Daniel,

Daniel walked over to Demetri next, "did you like having your broken arm Demetri? Because if you defend like that, you'll be right back into that cast." Daniel said a little upset.

Amanda walked out and said to us all, "uh, ok guys, let's uh, let's take five. Yeah?" She said and we all looked at her.

"There's ice tea and lemonade inside." She said pointing to the house. We all walked inside and people complained about being tired and sore, me and Sam just looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now