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WEDNESDAY  December 23rd-

I woke up to the sun rising in my eyes, I turned my head to see Eli still asleep, as usual. He looked so peaceful when he slept. His arm was wrapped around me so I couldn't move. I slowly turned facing away from him so I could look at the sunrise.

"Baby? Are you awake?" I heard his raspy morning voice say, my heart almost melted. It was so hot, I turned to face him. "Good morning baby." I said and kissed him. I quickly got out of bed and walked to the porch.

He stood up and followed me. I stood on the porch gazing at the beautiful view. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on mine. I smiled at the gesture, we stood there for a little longer, "I'm gonna shower?" He said and I nodded. "Ok, can I Join?" I asked,

He nodded and we walked into the bathroom, we took a shower together and did some other stuff, once we were done I walked out to the bedroom.

I was really hungry after all that So I decided to get up and make some breakfast for me and Eli.

I looked around and grabbed a pair of Eli's boxers in the drawer and grabbed one of my sports bra's. My sports bra was plain black and his boxers I wore were elastic and black with red stripes.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed eggs and bread and I made french toast. Within minutes Eli appeared. "What are you making?" He said creeping up behind me and hugging me he started kissing my neck again and put his hands on my waist. I blushed and kept my cool.

"French toast. Do you want some?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes please. I'm starving after all of that" he said and I smiled. "Was that your first time?" I asked and he nodded. "Was if your first time?" He asked back. "Yeah" I said turning red again.

We changed the subject, "so surfing? You wanna go after we eat?" I asked and he nodded. "Sounds good to me" he said and I smiled. "Perfect" I said.

I finished the toast and brought it over as he texted on his phone, "who you texting?" I asked as I set a plate of toast in front of him. "Miguel" he said and I nodded.

"Did you tell him?" I asked laughing. "Yeah. Don't be mad.." he said nervously taking a bite of his toast. "I'm not mad, I just don't need the whole school to know we had sex, if my parents found out they'd kill me" I said and he nodded. "Mine would too" he said and we both laughed.

We finished eating and I got changed into a real bathing suit. It was a dark blue bikini nothing special. Eli put on his swim shorts and to my surprise he left his hair down. "No mohawk?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah people around here probably think it's weird don't need to get bullied" he said and I nodded.

"This vacation just keeps getting better" I said to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love the Mohawk but he's so perfect so when I see his blue hair loose and flowey it melts my heart.

We locked up and shut all the doors and grabbed our phones and a towel and put it in a back pack I brought.

The backpack had a lock on it with a thumb print so I'm the only person in the world who can get into it. I put our phones, our wallets, and a towel into it.

We got on our sandals and walked to the beach. There were so many people riding bikes and talking, it was so peaceful here, everyone was so nice.

We arrived to the beach and walked over to a concession booth on the beach, it was renting surf boards. We each rented one for 3 hours and I asked the guy to hold the bag for us. He nodded and put it in a locker and we walked out to the water.

I used to surf a lot when I was like 11-15 but I kinda stopped. So I was probably gonna be a little rusty. Me and Eli swam out what seemed far enough away to catch waves.

We sat and waited for a wave. "Hey I see one!" I shouted and started swimming to it, Eli doing the same. I turned myself so I could go with the wave. And then the wave came.

I stood up and started surfing it, Eli did also. He looked so hot, like he was a pro at this. I started losing my balance and flipped my board getting caught in the wave.

Shit. I held my breath and opened my eyes. I tried to grab my board and I went to get it when I was pulled up also my board was too.

Eli sat on his board looking worried. "Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah I'm good, just a little rusty" I laughed.

We surfed around getting waves, we eventually went back and rented them for longer. I brought my phone with me and had it in one of those things waterproof phone cases that you could wear around your neck like a necklace.

I pulled out my phone as me and Eli sat on our boards waiting for a wave. I took a picture and posted it on my Instagram story and snapchat story.

I put my case back around my neck. And started swimming out. "Where are you going?" Eli yelled. "I see something" I shouted and he nodded soon swimming after me.

It was a huge wave! "This ones mine!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes swimming faster to catch up to me and steal it. We got to it almost at the same time.

We both stood up and started surfing it. "This waves mine!" I yelled and turned towards him. I pushed him making him fall off his board. I kept riding the wave until it was small and then I flipped into the water for a cool finish like all the pros do. I looked at the time. It was now 2:30.

We had to return our boards so I walked over and returned mine while Eli still swam in. At the perfect time I pulled my phone out and snatched a pic of him running into shore.

I grabbed our bag from the guy while Eli returned his board. I laid the towel on the ground and started tanning. Eli came over and sat by my feet.

"That was very rude, what you did back there" he said pretending to be offended. "I told you it's my wave" I laughed and he did too. We decided to go back to the hotel and eat lunch. And just relax for a little bit.

"Hey Eli?" I said while walking, "yeah?" He replied, "do you think sensei's been acting weird around me lately?" I asked he looked at me weird. "I mean I haven't really thought of it? Why do you say that?" He asked.

"I don't know, he doesn't call me Flynn anymore, he doesn't punish me anymore, he always keeps me after to get even better, like one on one time. And he's just nicer to me" I said and Eli nodded.

"I never really noticed until you said that, but yeah that's odd" he said "I'm sure it's nothing" he said and I nodded. "Yeah your probably right" I laughed.

 "Yeah your probably right" I laughed

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