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Me and Eli walked out to my car, Miguel and Sam did also shortly after. We all stood around my car cheering and congratulating Eli on his big win.

We watched as the cobra Kai students walked out, they all were really upset. Kreese and terry started walking over to us.

I held my breath as they got closer, once they reached us I waiting for something to happen, I think everyone was a little bit scared.

Daniel and Johnny came running out and I glared at them to come over in case something happens.

Then terry stuck out his hand. We looked confused and Eli stepped forward and shook his hand.

Just as he did so Kreese jumped at Eli and grabbed his trophy.

"Thank you for that, hawk" Kreese said with his evil laugh. "Give it back." Sam said.

"You got a big mouth, did you get that from your mom?" Kreese laughed. Terry looked at Kreese and started laughing too.

"All of you, we're cobras once.. so this trophy belongs to us." Terry said. "I wasn't!" Sam said.

I scoffed at terry and tried reaching for it and terry pushed me to the ground. Johnny ran over and punched Terry and grabbed the trophy.

He handed it to us. "Get out of here!" He said and us four teens jumped into my car and drove away.

Once I got out of the parking lot Eli and Miguel moved to the back from sitting on the middle console.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Sam pulled out her phone. "I texted the guys to meet us all at Applebee's? Is that cool?" She said.

I nodded and hit the gas driving to Applebee's. The car ride was about thirty minutes.

We sang and told jokes and enjoyed ourselves after such a stressful day.


We pulled into the parking lot and all got out one by one. I saw Robby standing there, like he was waiting for us.

"What do you want?" Miguel said irritated. "Miguel. Chill." I said and Eli nodded.

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you all when I was in cobra Kai." He said. Sam and Miguel looked at him slightly confused.

Me and Eli were also confused but everything he had done today gave us a small idea. "Was?" Miguel said confused.

"I quit.. I thought joining cobra Kai would make you all mad and break apart.. but it brought you all together." He said.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me for what I've done, but can I come back to miyagi-do?" He asked.

Miguel went to speak when Johnny and Daniel got to it first. "Yes." Daniel said.

We all turned and saw them approaching us. "Robby. You've realized how bad Kreese is?" Johnny asked.

Robby looked at me and nodded. "He wanted me to hurt him badly." Robby said pointing to Eli. "But I knew I couldn't even if I wanted to." He added.

"Why didn't you want to?" Eli asked. Robby looked around and sighed. "Your the most important person to Harper. And even though I've been horrible to her.. I couldn't make it worse." He said.

I nodded and walked over to Robby. "Thanks." I said and hugged him. He slowly wrapped his arms around me. We broke the hug and all of us walked inside to Applebee's.

Aisha and all the other miyagi-do/ eagle fang mix were sitting down. As soon as Eli walked around the corner the whole group cheered.

I looked at him and started clapping too. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I love you." He said and I blushed.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now