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4 days until Christmas break, I was so happy to get to it.. I was almost dying for it to happen. I got up and went to school..

I sat down in my first class of the day trig, then my teacher came over to me. "Miss Flynn? After class can we talk?" He said and I nodded.


The class ended and I stayed after, "thank you for staying miss Flynn... now I was wondering, would you like some extra credit?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah I'd love to!" I smiled.

"Great, you and Kyler are gonna make a slide show about the next lesson and present it." He said and I turned to see him sitting next to me..

"I- ugh." I sighed and he smiled at me, I got up and and Kyler followed me, "so I was thinking I could come to your house and work on it?" He said and I looked at him.

"Are you serious?" I asked and he looked at me, "yeah?" "I'm living with the LaRusso's I got kicked out of my actual home." I said and his eyes widen.

"Damn. Sorry, wanna come to my house then?" He asked and I nodded. "If this is some scheme to lure me into your house so you and the cobras can beat me up.. I'll kill you." I said and he nodded and shook it off.

"I promise it's not, I just want extra credit. My dads gonna shit in my mouth if I don't pass trig." He said and I looked at him weird.

I put my hand in his shoulder, "don't ever say that again." I laughed, "but yeah, see you when?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'll have hawk give me your number and I'll send you the info." He said and I nodded. "I still hate you by the way." I said and he laughed and nodded. "Not for much longer." He said and winked.

Was Kyler flirting with me? Uh he's been a dick to me up until today? What am I missing... whatever. I was gonna okay along with it though, I had nothing to lose. Not like I love him..

We all know who I love unfortunately.. but maybe this could be my distraction.. I needed to talk to Sam first though.


I saw Sam in the hall way and pulled her off to the side, "hey Sam... kylers been flirting with me" I said with a disgusted voice.

"Yes! A distraction, he can be the first step to moving on from hawk." She said and I looked at her, "it just feels wrong, I don't like Kyler.. and I don't wanna hurt hawk." I said and she nodded.

"I say do it, I hate seeing you sad over hawk.. I'm not saying fall in love with Kyler.. but use him as a distraction for a fun time." She said and I nodded giving in. "Ok." I said and she nodded, we both then walked to class.


Me and Kyler were walking to class with the other cobras when he turned to one of them and whispered.. almost like so I couldn't hear it.. but I still did.

"Harpers coming over to my house tonight bro! I finally asked her out." He said with a smile. I frowned, why would Harper hang out with Kyler? After the jerk he's been to her? And to me?

"Bro, do you even like her?" The guy asked, "yeah. She's hot and badass and I kinda want a girl like her." He said. "Ok, then yeah, I guess that's cool." He said and Kyler nodded.

I stared at them, and they didn't notice until they both looked at me. "Got a problem?" Kyler asked, I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Nope." I said and he nodded, and kept talking about Harper.



I pulled up to a huge nice house, I got out of my car and walked up to the door. I knocked once and soon after he answered. "Hey" I said and he opened the door for me to come in.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now