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Monday DECEMBER 21st-

Me and Eli are leaving tomorrow for bora bora! I almost cried I was so excited!!! We didn't have a practice the day after the tournament because sensei needed some time because of something that happened.

I decided to also message Daniel and apologize for the stunt at the tournament, thankfully he forgave me and encouraged me to join miyagi-do, I didn't know how to say no, so I said I'll think about it..

I drove to the dojo and saw Hawk and Miguel pull up on electric scooters. I hopped out of the car and walked over to them, "looks like we got some new students" Miguel said,

"Fresh fish" Eli said kissing my cheek, the kids turned and looked at all of us, "it's the champs" the tall kid said pointing to us "check this out" Eli said "don't" Miguel said and I rolled my eyes, "good luck stopping him" I said as Eli walked forward to the two kids who were looking at us.

"Hey mouth-breathers. Move it" Eli said, "sorry about that" the heavier kid with curly hair said and the other said, "I'll get the door" and did so. "Thank you!" I smiled and the kid winked at me.

Instantly making Eli wrap his arm around me, "so, you guys wanna be cobra Kai, huh?" Eli said, he let go of me and fake punched at them. They all flinched, "you got a long road ahead of you" Eli said and wrapped around his arm back around me and we walked inside.

We walked in to see a burn mark on the wall and a broken mirror, "what the hell happened here" Miguel said and I nodded also confused. Aisha shrugged, "looks like sensei threw a party" she said and I giggled. I took off my swear shirt to a black sports bra and black athletic leggings. Eli looked at me and I realized I took my shirt off also.

All the other boys in the room looked at me in my bra and I grabbed my t-shirt and put it on, embarrassed. "QUIET" Johnny yelled.

"The dojo's closed today for new students" Johnny said walking over to the group of students next to the door, "we just wanted to sign up after what we saw at the tournament" the kid who held the door said, still looking at me and winked. Eli did not like this,

"Do I need to say it again? Get out!" Johnny said. As Johnny yelled this Hawk wrapped his arm around me, the boy began stumbling over his words. "Yes, sir...uh sensei" he said

"Come on, let's go" he said and they all frowned and walked out. "Let's go, move it. Come back tomorrow." Johnny said, "and bring your checkbooks" "what?" Some kid said and I laughed, "everyone fall in" Johnny yelled.

Eli quickly kissed me and we all did so, "must've been a rager, sensei" Hawk said smiling, "we're you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel asked smiling.

"Celebrating what? My students are a bunch of pussies." He said looking at me, Hawk and Miguel. There smiles quickly faded.

"Diaz, Harper, Hawk, Upfront" he yelled. Why didn't he call me Flynn? That's new. Me and Miguel and Hawk walked up next to him

"Harper. Did you attack your opponent because he won?" Sensei asked. "No sensei, I attacked him because he fought dirty and I was returning the favor." I said and Hawk smirked at me, I smiled back.

"Hawk, did you attack for opponent from behind?" Johnny asked and Hawk looked around I smiled at him and he nodded. "Yes, sensei" I don't even know what Hawk did but it didn't matter anymore.

Johnny didn't seem impressed with my answer but moved over to Miguel, "Diaz, did you purposely attack your opponents injury?" Johnny asked. "Yes, sensei."Miguel answered confidently.

"You think that makes you badass?" "Uh..Umm.." Miguel started to speak but I took over, "I didn't care if it was bad ass, he fought dirty, and as you said hours Prior  'show no mercy' so I did just that." I said

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