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It's been awhile! Things have been good I'll admit! Me and Eli have been getting a lot closer! Same with me and Aisha. I've also gotten closer with Johnny, I am not sure why but I'm excited!

He told me back in December his old sensei came and said he wanted a second chance but never showed, but sent him a message saying he was coming back soon. I could tell Johnny was worried.

Me and Miguel have hung out a lot! Even me and Sam have hung out a couple times, she seems kinda awkward around me though, not sure why,

Me and Aisha have had tons of sleep overs! It's been so good getting close with her, she's amazing!

Me and Eli have been a lot more connected. Now that school is FINALLY out we Hang out almost everyday! We've also gotten closer sexually, I hate to say it out-loud.. but whatever!

Daniel is still trying to convince me to Join miyagi-do. I couldn't even if I wanted to. My loyal lies with Johnny, and not to mention last time I saw Robby he beat me up?

Anyways today I had karate!



Miguel was calling Sam on Aisha's phone, I was distracting her the best I could. Hawk walked in and walked over to us. He looked around at the new students. "What do you think? Shit head one, and shit head two?" The kids who came before. From before Christmas. For some reason Johnny decided no new students till summer, kinda dumb for business but it is his business.

"I was thinking more Mary-Kate and asshat?" Aisha said and both the kids looked down. "Or maybe by there real names?" I implied making the two boys smile. "Well I'm Chris" the tall kid said, Hawk didn't approve.

I went to speak when Hawk yelled, "did I say you could speak?" Miguel walked over. "Guys, look, there just messing with you." Miguel said shaking there hands. I walked over and did the same.

I looked to see Hawk smiling but when I turned away I knew it faded. "Thanks" the kid said. "Besides everyone knows your names are assface and douchebag" Miguel said and I punched his shoulder making him laugh.

Everyone laughed except the two boys, I looked over to see an old man walk in. Oh my gosh that must be kreese..

He looked a kid up and down and frowned. "Jesus Christ" he said and I rolled my eyes. Yeah the kid was a total nerd Doesn't mean he had to be rude about it.

"Who's that?" Hawk asked and Miguel and Aisha shrugged me and Miguel walked over to him.

"Hey, uh, can I help you sir?" Miguel asked. I stood next to miguel, this guy gave me bad vibes. He stared at me like he knew me, and everything about me. And then he looked back at Miguel. "No" he said.

"But maybe I can help you," he said and we looked at each other. "Hey" Johnny said walking out. Miguel and me turned. "Uh, sensei.." Miguel said pointing to kreese.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I said tomorrow." Johnny said getting up close to kreese. "Oh. Tomorrow, today..." kreese said and chuckled. "Who can keep track, huh?" He said.

I could see sensei getting irritated, kreese's first day here and he can't follow Johnnys rules? Kinda annoying.


Class started and we all lined up. "Class, we have a visitor. This is mr. kreese" Johnny said looking around. "He's just an observer, pretend like he's not even here." Johnny added.

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