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Three weeks had gone by sense I joined cobra Kai. I'm gonna admit Johnny's growing on me, me and Aisha have gotten super close and me and Eli have gotten super close, he's finally opening up to me. And I really honestly think I like him.

I got up for school and got dressed in a pair of jeans, a white tank top and a brownish colored flannel and black converse.. (outfit above)

Me and my dad walked out to the car, "so? This karate dojo? What is it exactly." He said. "It's super fun and all my friends go there. I really like it dad" I said and he nodded. "I know, you seem really happy, I'm glad kiddo" I smiled and we arrived at school.

"Bye dad love you!" I said and got out. I saw Eli and Miguel and walked over, "hey Harper" Miguel said and I smiled "hey Miguel! Hey Eli!" I smiled and we all walked to class.

It was now lunch, oh this should be fun. I looked over to see Sam get rejected by her popular friends. I kinda felt bad but.. I couldn't help her..

She sat down at the table with me and Aisha. "Oh don't even think about it." Aisha said. "Come on I need a place to sit." She said and Aisha snapped back "you can go sit with kyler?" She said pissed. I was trying not to laugh.

"I heard he doesn't mind that you suck" I accidentally laughed and Sam death stared me. "I'm so sorry" I said completely embarrassed. She got up moving and walked over to kyler.

"Holy shit" I said as she tapped in his shoulder. They began talking. "We heard you got a little choked up." The fat kid said making me walk over to Sam standing next to her. She flew his tray across the floor.

"Hey guys! You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it?" Kyler shouted. "I guess Sam takes after her dad." He said and I walked forward about to beat this kids ass. "Oh look at her little friend? Thinks she all tough?" He said pushing me back

Miguel walked over "hey kyler!" He shouted "why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" He said and I nodded "want another beat down rhea?" He asked and all his friends stood around Miguel, I pushed my way next to him.

"You better watch it asshole" I said and he ignored me. He pushed Miguel. Causing miguel to get mad. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time" Miguel looked at me and I looked at him and we both smirk. He pushed Miguel one more time "it's not lame ass karate-" I said smirking at Miguel.

"-It's cobra Kai" he said finishing my sentence as he caught kylers punch. He punched kyler in the face sending him back they were now throwing each other across the tables. He kept kicking and punching kyler and I joined in hitting his friends to kept them away from Miguel.

"No mercy!" Aisha yelled, I smiled at her, me and Miguel kept fighting the kids off one by one! Everyone was recording. Some blonde kid had me pushed up against a table. I quickly punched his face and stood on the table jumping off kicking him in the face making him cry.

" pussies!" I laughed and walked over to Miguel who looked like he needed some assistance at the moment. We both were doing spin kicks and punching the boys sending them to the ground repeatedly.

The fat kid from before came running at me and I quickly punched his face and kicked him in the stomach making him groan, I swept his leg making him fall before punching his face and knocking him out cold.

We both grabbed lunch trays and kept hitting the kids with them defending ourselves, Miguel jumped up on the table hitting kyler in the face and mid fall I kicked him in the face.

We both looked at each Other, And smiled. As everyone held there cameras up. Until we got pulled away by the counselor. Fuck.


𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now