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Me and Miguel looked at each other, "we should go find them." I said and he nodded.

"Hopefully Johnny doesn't find them before us." Miguel said as we walked to my car. "Agreed." I said.

We got into my car and I started driving down the road, "where are they?" I asked. "Hawk said he was gonna confront him a few blocks away from cobra Kai." Miguel said.

I nodded and hit the gas, we drove as fast as legally possible to about the cobra Kai dojo.

We pulled into the parking lot, we looked around and heard yelling. It was coming from the back of the strip mall.

We started running to the back and saw a fence, we quickly climbed it and I saw Eli and Robby punching and fighting each other.

Hawk was winning thank god, I watched as hawk punched Robby sending him to the ground. (FUCK PLOT ARMOR)

"She's your sister? How could you do that to her? You knew she was struggling with quitting and finally when she's getting better you come around and ruin it?" Eli said.

Robby looked at me with teary eyes, I couldn't look at him right now, everything hawk was saying was true. But it still hadn't really hit me he would hurt me like that.

Thankfully I'm not like horribly messed up without cigarettes, but it could come to that if it gets worse.

Hawk held Robby pinned to the ground, his foot pressed against his throat.

"I'm sorry, Harper." Robby said. "You don't mean it though... those tears are fake." Hawk said.

I felt bad, was he faking it though? "Hawk stop!" I said. Hawk looked at me in disbelief. "Are you serious? I should kill him for all the things he's done to you?" Hawk said.

"Harper, he's gotta point. Obviously he shouldn't KILL Robby. But robbys manipulated you before, why wouldn't he do it again?" Miguel said.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Johnny shouted. Hawk backed off and ran towards me. He hugged me, we both looked at Robby stand up.

He wiped his eyes and started to smile, "see I'll always win." Robby laughed.

"I'm both of your weaknesses, you'll both do as I say, because you know if you don't I'll hate you. It would he betrayal." He said.

"Robby? What are you talking about?" Johnny said. "You are just as bad as her. You both are shitty to me. I'm never first choice. I hate you too! You guys just act like you care so you don't lose me." Robby Spoke.

"Your just a broke loser with no life" he said pointing to Johnny. Johnny looked offended and upset, which made my anger boil.

"And you Harper? Your a bitch who deserves every bad thing that's happened to you. Your mom is lucky she could escape you. I'm sure Johnny will try to next." Robby spat.

I walked up to Robby with my hands in a fist so tight blood was slowly coming out of my skin from my nails.

I slapped him so hard it sent him to the ground. He looked at me trying not to cry from the pain.

"Don't you dare talk about my fucking mother again." I said and I walked away.

Johnny and the two boys stood there shocked and looked at Robby for a second before Robby sprinted at me.

He yanked my hair pulling me back. "Your mom probably killed herself because you were such a pain." He said smirking.

"At least my mom had somewhat of a life, and didn't sleep around with any guy who showed her one ounce of attention!!" I yelled.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now